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  1. Z

    TM restore: all in one go

    how can i transfer all the files that are stored in a TM backup (a yearly backup) all in once? is it possible or must i have to do this manually
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    3rd party webcams

    any views on my matter?
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    the best way to make the transfer

    ok i used migration assistant, and i transfered the Powerbook accounts to my iMac but now.. how do i transfer the files i want from those accounts?
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    the best way to make the transfer

    how will i transfer all the backed up files that have been made by TM though? i mean every file thats been recorded in the till nowadays backup
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    the best way to make the transfer

    There is a TM backup from my Powerbook dated from Jan 2009 till today and there is an iMac that is new. I want to be working solely on the iMac so i must transfer all my files from Powerbook to the iMac + the all the files that are in the PowerBooks TM backup too. What would be the best way...
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    3rd party webcams

    i have a logitech web cam and i want to use it -apart from isight- on my 27" iMac, how can i use those two in turns?
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    UPS for a 27" iMac

    1. What kind of a UPS would you suggest for the 27" iMac? 2. Ive already got an older UPS Ablerex VT1000, is it still good enough for the iMac as far as specs are concerned or will i have to get a new one? Any suggestion? 3. Is it lacking any new options that newer UPS offer? if so, what might...
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    better or worse?

    Im talking about adobes cs5 compared to cs4, if anyone is working with 5 and has first hand impressions id appreciate it if he could share them with me
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    immigrating from Leopard 2 SnowLeopard

    ok so with the MAssistant i can transfer all the files to the iMac, of course im not interested in Applications since on the iMac ill have a new set of apps. How can i exclude the older apps or anything related to Leopard? What about the TM backup set i already have from my powerbook? Will...
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    immigrating from Leopard 2 SnowLeopard

    I have a powerbookG4 using Leopard and an iMac corei7 using SnowL. Ill be permanently using the iMac from now and on so i want to transfer all my files from PBook to the iMac but i also want to transfer the timemachine settings/backup that was loged from my PBook. Is this something that can be...
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    strange folder MB capacity

    well no its not a system folder, its a folder i created on my external hd isnt there a way to look deeper into it and locate those hidden -perhaps- files?
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    strange folder MB capacity

    When i make info on a folder i get 350mb, butwhen i choose each content inside that folder -and make info- the capacity doesnt exceed 10mb, how is this? might there be hidden files?
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    reorganizing footage in a minidv tape

    ok, havent tried it yet but can this be done with the simple iMovie app and not HD?
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    Older MacMini connected to LCDtv

    guys im stuck :confused: i purchased the Kanex adapter and i want to connect my MacMini to my Philips 8654 LCD tv but i dont have any home cinema stuff, so its only gonna be connected to my LCDtv, so i want to ask a few things: 1. Where...
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    eject button missing

    its very strange and i cant figure out this... in some cases the eject button (in the finder window) of an external hd is not shown, whereas in other times it is shown next to the ext. hd icon... can someone explain this to me? im posting in a pic to show you when the button is not present...
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    reorganizing footage in a minidv tape

    My video footage is scattered in 2-3 tapes and i want to arrange them all in one. I was thinking to capture them in my PowerBookG4 via iMovieHD (6.0.3) and then record back all the footage (captured video) in the sequence i want, to one tape... Is this possible and how? p.s. Note that i...
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    power charge application for macbooks

    Ok so lets suppose that what all is said here is true, is there a guide published by Apple it self, on how to treat theirs so called "cutting edge in battery technology" batteries? And if not, why didnt Apple do so?
  18. Z

    install OSX using TMachine

    I have a Powerbook G4 (in which im using TMachince for backup) and a mac mini. Suppose i want to transfer the OSX from the Powerbook to the mac mini, is there someway i can hook up the TMdrive in order to make a "mirror" of the Powermac OSX to the mac mini? How?
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    TM backup not working

    ok im back testing it, but i cant get to the root of my timemachine backup using terminal, i have no idea what commands to type, can you help me on that?
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    power charge application for macbooks

    not recommended for a long battery life? what would be the best use of the power source for a long battery life? to have it always plugged into power?