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  1. nixgeek word association!

  2. nixgeek

    What is the equivalent software to Active Directory in MAC?

    For an LDAP like directory in OS X, Apple provides OpenDirectory. However, if you are looking to manage Macs in a Microsoft Active Directory environment, you would need something like Likewise Open. This is also available for Linux clients.
  3. nixgeek word association!

  4. nixgeek word association!

  5. nixgeek

    Mac from 1984 running Mac OS X Snow Leopard...

    The USB hard hack is well done, but the screen still leaves something to be desired. The old Mac-ITX was a great one, but it was running Windows instead of Mac OS. Something in between the Mac-ITX and this would be perfect. :)
  6. nixgeek

    Problems with flash player

    Download this Flash player uninstaller and run it. It takes a bit to finish, but it will remove all instances of Flash player. Once you've done that, download the proper version for your Mac from the link...
  7. nixgeek

    Mac Mini vs G5??

    You should be fine with Leopard for quite some time. Once Leopard gets to the point where it's not suported anymore by developers, then I would start looking to invest in an Intel Mac if you can't do so before then.
  8. nixgeek word association!

    dye. :p
  9. nixgeek word association!

  10. nixgeek

    Installing gnuplot

    Have you checked the configure script to see where it looks for the C compiler? You might want to include the path to the gcc compiler provided by XCode in the configure script. The easier option might be to install MacPorts and install gnuplot from there.
  11. nixgeek

    Unable to update OSX

    What Mac do you have? Does it have a PowerPC processor or an Intel processor?
  12. nixgeek

    Start-up problem iMac G5

    Aside from being the power supply, it's possible that you're experiencing the issue I did with my iMac G5 and one that all iMac G5 models have experienced: bad capacitors on the logic board. There used to be a repair extension program for all iMac G5 models affected by this problem, but that...
  13. nixgeek word association!

  14. nixgeek

    Does OSX support SMB2?

    What about sshfs? FUSE in Linux supports it as does MacFUSE if I'm not mistaken. There's also Netatalk for Linux if you want to communicate via AFP. Also NFS as EDCC mentioned.
  15. nixgeek

    Can i switch my pc to a mac ?

    If you want to go through the hassle, google for installing OS X on a PC. You should find enough information there. There are also other forums that deal with ***. This is not one of them. Because this forum respects the EULA that Apple has regarding OS X installations, you won't find...
  16. nixgeek word association!

  17. nixgeek

    The Apple iPad...

    The original Macintosh in 1984 was marketed the same way as the iPad. It was the "computer for the rest of us" that makes computing simple for people. I'm not saying that it's exactly like the original Macintosh, but the concept of the "computer for the rest of us" is. This is also the...
  18. nixgeek

    G5 Logic Board?

    I don't think the OP has an iMac. Check out the clock speeds the OP mentioned. I almost read it as iMac G5 as well. :p
  19. nixgeek word association!

    drop :)
  20. nixgeek

    The Apple iPad...

    I can understand why, though. I personally see this device as the reincarnation of the original Macintosh concept. It's exactly what Jobs wanted from the Mac's appliance. Everyone had negative things to say about the original Macintosh, but the concept itself was remarkable...