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  1. nixgeek

    OS X Upgrade is now a native app. It no longer requires X11. Runs very well on the Intel Macs.
  2. nixgeek

    OS X Upgrade

    The only office suite comparable to MS Office that is legally freely available is You can find the latest version here: I use without much issue on both Linux and Mac OS X, even on Windows when I need to. If you really need...
  3. nixgeek

    Ubuntu as Startup Disk

    This should set you straight.
  4. nixgeek

    iPhone MMS craziness!!??

    Another fellow Miamian! :) Well, consider that this is a digital, packet-switched technology as opposed to the old analog method for cell phones (not unlike VoIP except in a mobile 3G network). I imagine the limitations of AT&T's 3G network is also to blame, hence why they have given you...
  5. nixgeek

    tearing hair out…

    One thing I've noticed with some people is that when they disable IPv6 support, things start to work properly (assuming it's not another problem like DNS or whatnot). Try disabling IPv6 in System Preferences. You have to select the Network pane and then select your Airport connection. Once in...
  6. nixgeek

    Black screen installing win 7 with bootc

    Have you tested with your OS X installation discs and any other discs that you know to be legit? If they all work without problems even after multiple tries, then it's possible that the issue is not the optical drive but the Windows disc image that you burned after downloading it from that...
  7. nixgeek

    OS X Upgrade

    You can upgrade to Snow Leopard by purchasing the retail version from Apple or any of its resellers. Any incremental updates to Tiger (10.4.x) will be provided via Software Update, but all that Apple is supplying for Tiger is security and minor bug updates. If you want to upgrade to a newer...
  8. nixgeek

    Black screen installing win 7 with bootc

    If you were able to reinstall OS X via the optical drive, then it means that the optical drive is not the problem. If it was, you would have problems with the optical drive no matter what disc you used with it, intermittent or otherwise. If the problem is with the disc that you downloaded and...
  9. nixgeek

    no os selection when pc boots.

    This forum doesn't support installing OS X on non-Apple hardware (against the board rules), but a quick google search will produce some sites/forums that specialize in such things. Good luck to you...
  10. nixgeek

    burning a cd

    Disk Utility is what you want to use. It's in Applications-->Utilities.
  11. nixgeek

    Crack Help

    Nah, I think he was talking about buttcracks... :p
  12. nixgeek

    Black screen installing win 7 with bootc

    I was under the impression from your other thread that the issue was the copy of Windows that you bought from an unreputable site. :confused: If you take it to Apple, they will most likely tell you the same thing. If the optical drive works with everything else instead of the Windows that...
  13. nixgeek

    Can't Install Windows 7 with Bootcamp

    Yup, I'm with Chevy on this one. Just looking at the prices there for something like Adobe CS4, it's quite obvious that it's a scam site. Most of what's listed there is probably illegally copied and won't work if it needs activation.
  14. nixgeek

    Kernel Panic

    Yeah, the fact that you used a MacBook system disc on a PowerPC eMac is a big problem. Aside from the fact that most system discs that ship with a Mac can only work with that particular model of Mac, the Leopard disc that came with your MacBook does not have the support for PowerPC Macs...
  15. nixgeek

    Imac Won't start 3 beeps

    Please don't create duplicate posts for the same problem. It does not help to resolve the problem any quicker. Stick to one thread and be patient and you'll get more results.
  16. nixgeek

    3 beeping sounds mac osx boot up

    There have been many revisions of the iMac starting with the various G3 models, the iMac G4, the iMac G5 models, and all of the Intel iMacs thereafter. You'll have to be a bit more specific than that.
  17. nixgeek word association!

    balance (get it?? *wink* *nudge* :p)
  18. nixgeek word association!

  19. nixgeek word association!

  20. nixgeek

    OS upgrade issue

    :eek: What am I, chopped liver?!? :( :p