Search results

  1. Mikuro

    How do I know Big Brother isn't watching through my built-in camera?

    I guess you guys have never heard of The Lulz. People do a lot for them, I'm told. Seriously, "nobody gives a damn about me" is not a good personal security policy.
  2. Mikuro

    (keyboard) Map DIFFERENT keys to control volume

    Ugh! This is something I spent a lot of time on years ago when I started using a non-Apple keyboard. I found no tools that would actually let me remap the keys. I only found ONE macro program that offered volume control with the standard visual notification. That was iKey. $30 may be a bit steep...
  3. Mikuro

    Does this make sense?

    Disk space is important. Years ago I would defragment my disk every few months and it made a big difference. Doing a clean install has the side-effect of a mostly unfragmented disk. But that was back when HDs were small and I was almost always hitting the ceiling. Also I did not have enough...
  4. Mikuro

    downloading a file from command line

    You can use curl to download from http or ftp. For example: curl > YOUR_FILE_NAME_HERE curl sends the downloaded data to stdout, which is why you need to specifically save it to a file yourself. I like wget for downloading straight to...
  5. Mikuro

    View File Path

    In the past I've used contextual menu modules like CopyPath or PathSnagger. I haven't found one that works in Snow Leopard, though, which is a pain in the butt. This is coming from a lifelong Mac user, so it's not that I don't know the "Mac way". It's a useful feature, especially for...
  6. Mikuro

    Playing Stratego online

    Nope, never played any others. There's a similar (but not identical) game on called Espionage, but I actually don't play it. I mostly play Go these days. Hearing all this makes me want to play Stratego again, though. Haha. I think there was only one player who ever beat me at...
  7. Mikuro

    Playing Stratego online

    Haha. I know virtually nothing about Steam, but maybe I could. As I recall, I got Stratego running in OS X, but Gameranger support was not possible because the plugin I used was Classic-only, with no update in sight.
  8. Mikuro


    Open System Preferences and go to the Network section. See what's listed under your DNS server and verify that this is correct (you might need to contact your ISP to know what it should be). If in doubt, you can try temporarily (or permanently if you so choose) changing it to OpenDNS. OpenDNS's...
  9. Mikuro

    [AppleScript] Delete "IMG_####" captions from Facebook photos

    I like iPhoto's Facebook photo exporter, but I don't like the way it captions every photo with the file name. The file names are always worthless for me, since I upload them straight from my camera with the default "IMG_####" naming scheme. Now, you might think it's a minor issue, but it bugged...
  10. Mikuro

    Best decompression tool please

    Dealing with RARs is a bit of pain. The most functional app I've found is UnRarX. I see the first reviewer there recommends MacPAR Deluxe as well, but I've never tried it myself. Mostly I just use The Unarchiver. It doesn't let you look inside archives, though. In the past I used a Quick Look...
  11. Mikuro

    Playing Stratego online

    Oh wow, Stratego and GameRanger! That was Stratega. I'm glad to hear you remember it fondly, because I wrote it. :) Alas, I never did make an OS X version. Well, I did, but it was a cheap port and there was no OS X GameRanger, so I never released it. There was another team working on one some...
  12. Mikuro

    It's Greek to me

    The error with that one email you sent seems to be on the receiver's end, not yours. The server you sent it to rejected it for some reason. Is it perhaps a business address? Maybe their spam blocker is overzealous. I dealt with this kind of problem a lot when I was working in IT. Nothing to do...
  13. Mikuro


    I'm sure this varies from country to country. In America, a monopoly is not inherently illegal. Anticompetitive practices are illegal. For instance, Microsoft was found guilty in the 90s not because they were a monopoly (strictly speaking, they were not), but because they used their dominance in...
  14. Mikuro

    Long and interesting but harmless Terminal script

    Perhaps something along the lines of:find /System -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat That will output the contents of every file in your System folder. Just remember that you can stop it by pressing Control-C. You could fine-tune the criteria of the find command to select only certain kinds of...
  15. Mikuro

    Opening a folder

    Use the "open" command, which opens any item (file or folder) as though its icon were double-clicked. open ../folder/folder That is assuming, of course, that the current working directory is already set properly. This might be different on Mac and Windows, so be careful.
  16. Mikuro

    Safari and Panther - Latest version?

    The latest version of Safari for Panther is 1.3. All of the newest browsers require at least Mac OS 10.4, so Firefox 2 is probably your best bet.
  17. Mikuro

    [APPLESCRIPT] Change QuickTime movie aspect ratio

    Not sure about that. Where is the file stored? Select the file in the Finder and choose Get Info from the File menu. See what it says under Permissions. You might need to change it to be sure you have read/write privileges. Alternatively, try choosing Save As instead of Save. When the Save...
  18. Mikuro

    [APPLESCRIPT] Change QuickTime movie aspect ratio

    I don't know why it says that. I can still download it. A few people have had issues with the download (usually saying it won't unzip), so for anyone else having problems, you can copy and paste this into Script Editor and save it yourself: --first define a sub-script which actually sets the...
  19. Mikuro

    Slow iMac Intel: Is RAM my solution? Take a look... is well regarded. They let you choose RAM by system, and their prices are pretty good. is another one I hear a lot of positive comments about. Either way, you know the RAM will be good for your system. You might want to go to a local Apple...
  20. Mikuro

    Slow iMac Intel: Is RAM my solution? Take a look...

    You haven't specified exactly what your speed issues are, so it's difficult to say. If you notice long delays when switching between applications, opening Dashboard, or triggering Exposé, you need more RAM. On the other hand, if your primary concern is speeding up encoding times, extra RAM might...