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  1. Cat

    TextEdit (in OPENSTEP/Rhapsody/Mac OS X)

    I'm disappointed because TextEdit seems capable of doing so much (bloated) stuff, except the one dealbreaking thing that I need. It claims: Except that it doesn't support all features of the format. It doesn't even try to generate some pseudo-footnotes, they simply *poof* disappear. So, while...
  2. Cat

    TextEdit (in OPENSTEP/Rhapsody/Mac OS X)

    Let me tell you a funny story about footnotes. Recently I had to convert a LaTeX document into something readable by MS Word. Now there are several ways to do that, depending on your necessities. The problematic point are footnotes. If you convert LaTeX to XHTML, all footnotes will become...
  3. Cat

    How hard would this be to achieve?

    You might want to look here and here. I guess this could also be done with a few lines of AppleScript, loading the page in Safari (with a specified size and no controls or bars)
  4. Cat


    Here you are: Apple about Oolite
  5. Cat

    Is the Internet causing German to lose its Capitalization?

    There was a spelling reform which eliminated many (but not all) occurrences of the ß.
  6. Cat

    Stability (Do PCs still crash?)

    My brother has an XP machine that is not on-line and it crashes regularly. No spyware, adware, or malware of any kind. Only a plain vanilla XP SP2 install and lots of games. Oblivion sometimes freezes up the whole machine on launch. Now we could blame that on Oblivion, but I only remember app...
  7. Cat word association!

  8. Cat word association!

  9. Cat

    TextEdit (in OPENSTEP/Rhapsody/Mac OS X)

    Now if it only had support for footnotes, I could actually use it ...
  10. Cat

    BootCamp run Windows on Mac

    In retrospect, I'd be more worried about Apple _not_ releaseing something like BootCamp or virtualisation. Think about it: before the end of the year, or early on next year, Apple will release Leopard, which will be the first publically in-stores available Mac OS X version that runs natively on...
  11. Cat word association!

  12. Cat

    BootCamp run Windows on Mac

    Yes, I was. I switched to OS X with Jaguar IIRC. I was using Quark Express, so without Classic this would not have been possible. Using OS X and putting up with classic gave several advantages over sticking with OS 9. I consider the situation with windows the same. Using OS X, but being able to...
  13. Cat word association!

  14. Cat

    BootCamp run Windows on Mac

    THe companies that are going to suffer are those like Aspyr that have their main revenue from porting games from windows to mac. Of course they are going to suffer: why wait six months to a year for Civ 4 when you can buy it right now? Why spend ~$50.- on Civ 4 in six months if you can pick up...
  15. Cat word association!

  16. Cat

    vpc and linux

    You can run YellowDog linux (or other PPC linuxes) _without_ VPC ... within VPC, any distro will do I guess. Ubuntu seems to be very popular. If you just want to test out some features or have a look around, why don't you try a live-disc distro? Also see here...
  17. Cat

    BootCamp run Windows on Mac

    Most of Macintosh software (~80-90% ballpark) is not software ported from windows, but developed specifically for the Mac. Why would that cease? You have to qualify your statement, which, by the way, does note follow from what you said above, where you essentially agreed with me that Apple is in...
  18. Cat

    BootCamp run Windows on Mac

    P.S. A quote from Omni’s CEO Ken Case, found on the omni blog: This will definitely help the transition to Intel and pull people off the fence, especially when it will be included by default with Leppy.
  19. Cat

    BootCamp run Windows on Mac

    I'm missing TraDOS (word on windows only, translation tool), I've had to wait 3 years for the Civ III expansions, I need to access someone else's PC to test my websites for IE/Win compatibility. Is that a given principle? I remember Microsoft being the good guy, starting out as a Mac developer...
  20. Cat word association!
