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  1. Jesse714

    tiger install 10.4

    Your looking for a Retail copy of Tiger, Not the grey discs, It will have a huge X on it. Ill provide a link to ebay for you. You may also want to check on Amazon. (keep in mind, the Grey discs will NOT work :) ) This first one is an active bid. its at 66 right now, im not sure what it will be...
  2. Jesse714

    1-2 Hrs. Straight Use = Computer Gets Really Warm + Very Slow (Please Help!)

    Speaking of upgrading, what about updating? Have you looked on apple for any new firmware? That may be part of your problem, Although i think it might show up under software update... Not positive though.
  3. Jesse714

    Can't Download Software Updates

    You may want to try Onyx, i think deltamac or djackmac was saying that its made for plists.
  4. Jesse714

    resizing of a Volume.

    Meaning like a partition on your hard drive?
  5. Jesse714

    iBook G3 dual USB won't boot

    what? I don't understand what you mean.
  6. Jesse714

    ibook g4 will not wake up

    For what? I thought you were the guy having problems..? Whatever link you posted, goes to nothing.
  7. Jesse714

    translucent menu bar os x

    No, just a misunderstanding lol.
  8. Jesse714

    translucent menu bar os x

    Haha, thanks fryke. I guess the nvidia cards aren't supported. no bigge though. :)
  9. Jesse714

    translucent menu bar os x

    the nvidia chips=no translucent menubar intel gma950=Yes
  10. Jesse714

    translucent menu bar os x

    I guess the graphics card in his computer isn't compatible
  11. Jesse714

    translucent menu bar os x

    Haha, well im sorry, HAVE A NICE NIGHT haha.
  12. Jesse714

    translucent menu bar os x

    Well he's my brother, so he does know where it is. I'm not trying to be a dick, i've made the mistake of not reading the thread fully too. chill out.
  13. Jesse714

    Can't Download Software Updates

    Oh okay, Sorry about that, i didn't even think to check that. Sorry for the mis understanding.
  14. Jesse714

    ibook g4 will not wake up

    I'm going to side with djackmac on this one then. Here is an DC input...
  15. Jesse714

    Problems With Translucent Menu Bar

    I just realized, that you have the screen sharing logo, is someone connected to you, or are you using another monitor? Both of these could cause some problems.
  16. Jesse714

    Problems With Translucent Menu Bar

    Hmm, still having the problem? It doesn't sound like a conflicting problem that would keep os x from booting, Have you tried to boot in safe mode?
  17. Jesse714

    translucent menu bar os x

    Yes natobasso, he said HE DOES NOT HAVE THE OPTION.
  18. Jesse714

    iBook G3 dual USB won't boot

    Oh sorry, i just realized you said you weren't sure which version. My mistake :) Let me know when you've tried those steps
  19. Jesse714

    iBook G3 dual USB won't boot

    Sounds like you have the 500MHz, you should consider upgrading your ram to 640MB, and upgrading your hard drive, the 10 gigabyte hd from the ibooks, is a 4200 RPM, so upgrading to a bigger and fast hard drive wouldn't hurt. What version of OS X are you running? Those shipped with 10.2 jaguar...