Search results

  1. supanatral

    Is the program running in 64bit on Leopard? This shows that while leopard is not fully 64 bit, it does support it
  2. supanatral

    Is the program running in 64bit on Leopard?

    In activity monitor in snow leopard, it shows you whether the task is running in intel 64bit or 32bit. Is there a way to tell when your just running leopard?
  3. supanatral

    Mail POP3 Connector?

    In Exchange, there is a POP3 connector where the exchange server can download a users mail from a POP3 account. Is that feature available within mac OS X snow leopard server?
  4. supanatral

    iTunes 9 not opening

    I had to restart :( it works now though. I was trying to beat my buddies uptime who is running windows 7. On the upside, he got a virus today and gave up trying to get rid of it so he reformatted. I think it's safe to say that I won regardless haha
  5. supanatral

    iTunes 9 not opening

    I installed iTunes 9 and it opened once but after that, it stopped even opening, it just freezes. How do I fix this?
  6. supanatral

    Finding TV Shows by name

    AH HA! I found a screen shot of what I'm looking for. It's small, but you see what I'm getting at. Its the section at the top that is divided into three sections
  7. supanatral

    Compile Open Source Program in x64

    I have a program called FilmRedux and it's open source. I'm wondering how easy it is to compile in 64bit instead of 32? I only see the ability to compile with the i386 architecture. If it get's complicated, just say so because I'm not necessarily a programmer and probably won't understand...
  8. supanatral

    Finding TV Shows by name

    I understand why you mistaked that. No, it's a menu that went above that, that gave you a list of your genre's and nothing else, then tv shows, then beside that-the season. Ps: they really should look into making an iPhone version for this website.
  9. supanatral

    Finding TV Shows by name

    Before I killed my iTunes library (which was my fault), I use to have a menu above the list of my TV Shows and it gave me the abilty to select a certain genre, TV Show, or Season. When I clicked "Family Guy" for instance, I would only see Family guy in my list and then I would be able to select...
  10. supanatral

    64 bit Visual Hub alternative?

    I put my OS in my signature but I will keep that in mind from now on Satcomer. Thanks for your help! Handbrake is a great program, it was just that one thing. I will have to do that then. Thanks again!
  11. supanatral

    64 bit Visual Hub alternative?

    I've used visual hub for quite a while now and I love it but it only runs in 32 bit. Is there a 64bit alternative? I did a bit of research and found the beta of Handbrake that runs in 64 bit but what I loved about visual hub is that you can queue up however many videos you want and click go...
  12. supanatral

    Will Snow Leopard support PPC Programs?

    I know that Snow Leopard won't support ppc processors but does that also mean that I'll have to find a replacement for the legacy programs that still run in PPC mode?
  13. supanatral

    Snow Leopard work on Intel Core duo?

    By the sounds of it, he will be missing quite a few applications like quicktime and stuff like that. Would it be worth upgrading him?
  14. supanatral

    Snow Leopard work on Intel Core duo?

    My brother has the first generation of the iMacs that has a Core duo processor (not Core 2 Duo). Will snow leopard work on it? On Apples site, it says that you need a Intel processor to run Snow leopard, but then below it says you need a 64bit processor which is what he doesn't have.
  15. supanatral

    Solid State Question

    I have a MacBook Pro with a 128GB solid state. Is this SATA II or SATA III?
  16. supanatral

    Track which files are being used

    Is there a program available that allows you to track which files are being opened or accessed by a certain program?
  17. supanatral

    Hypothetical question involving formatting with MBR

    Thats great! that answers all my questions. Don't worry, I still think of you as a pro even if you haven't desided to spend thousands of dollars on server 2008 datacenter just to try it out :P
  18. supanatral

    Hypothetical question involving formatting with MBR

    oh ok, that makes sense. What's the purpose behind adding the MBR feature then? I mean, there's got to be a reason even if it is only for special purposes. What about if I wanted to install Windows 2008 Datacenter which supports EFI? Apple doesn't give us the drivers to do so but, would it in...
  19. supanatral

    Hypothetical question involving formatting with MBR

    I had an issue with my mac half a week ago after I installed linux to my second drive which crapped out my mac install and I got a flashing question mark when I tried to boot. I was told to recreate the partition (instead of formatting the drive) which worked but when I did this, I saw a few...
  20. supanatral

    Flashing question mark

    For others having this issue, this worked like a charm! Thanks!