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  1. supanatral

    Failed XP install on leopard : ( HELP URGENT!

    If you restart your computer, and hold the option key. Once you see the available bootable devices, hit the eject key. Also, try another XP CD
  2. supanatral

    Not Authorized?

    When I plug in my phone to my computer, it tells me that it's not authorized to backup the programs on my iPhone and after a while, none of the programs opened anymore. The one idea that I had was since I had plugged it into a couple different computers when I just got the phone, and it changed...
  3. supanatral

    Setting up mail server

    I think I found out how. (on Page 37) That is what I'm looking for isn't it?
  4. supanatral

    Setting up mail server

    We use to have email send right to the exchange server but the problem with doing that is because the exchange mailboxes are suppose to be on a backend server. Since Exchange is very important, it should never contact the outside world. When email is sent to us, it goes through a FreeBSD...
  5. supanatral

    Setting up mail server

    I'm trying to setup my first mac server as a mail server for our domain. Its suppose to receive mail and then pass it onto our exchange server. Is there a good how to on using it as a mail relay server? I also tried to google around and find out what mailman is for but I can't find a site on...
  6. supanatral

    help, time capsule problem

    Can you access the iTunes store to rent movies? Have you tried setting up your iTunes share on your appleTV again?
  7. supanatral

    Migrating iTunes from Windows to Mac

    Yup, I have it all organized by iTunes
  8. supanatral

    Found the Perfect HandBrake settings for AppleTV

    You know something, this weekend was the first time I tried the deblock option. It works wonders. I haven't found that any of my movies were blocky in the past but these movies I ripped were in rough shape so I had to. I have tried the deinterlace option, its good. For movies, its pointless...
  9. supanatral

    Found the Perfect HandBrake settings for AppleTV

    Well, it also depends on how long the movie is. if its almost 2 1/2 hours i'll make it 800MB. As long as its around or above 600kbps. You should use the deblock feature in picture settings, icemanjc.
  10. supanatral

    Migrating iTunes from Windows to Mac

    Hey guys! Even though I have a mac, I still own a windows fileserver. What its main purpose is, is for sharing my iTunes database to our AppleTV. The reason why I care about moving this over is because I have over 200 movies on my itunes database and about 1000 TV show episodes which are a pain...
  11. supanatral

    Found the Perfect HandBrake settings for AppleTV

    I've been using Handbrake for a while since the AppleTV first got release and I think I've finally found the perfect settings for Handbrake. When I first started, my main concern was quality and size wasn't an issue because I had a terabyte hard drive so it didn't matter and I made files that...
  12. supanatral

    Email Gateway

    we have a email gateway setup right now running postfix and it receives email that is sent to us, and passes it onto an Exchange server. well, the email gateway is starting to become unreliable but long story short, I'm looking to switch that role over to my mac temporarily just while I format...
  13. supanatral

    Creating CD Images of Windows Programs

    I'm trying to make an image of a CD on my mac but the problem is that its a windows program. If I make a DMG image of the cd, then burn it, would it still work for windows programs?
  14. supanatral

    Copying Files takes CPU Usage?

    I'm running OS X 10.5.3 Leopard and whenever I'm copying files, Activity Monitor tells me that the kernel is using anywhere from 20%-60% of CPU. That shouldn't be should it?
  15. supanatral

    Transfering Movie Rentals

    I haven't done it yet but I know that it is possible to transfer a movie rental from your computer to your appletv but last night, I rented a movie on my appletv (which was very cool I might add) but now I want to transfer the rental to my Macbook pro. Can I do that?