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  1. The Doctor

    Mini DVI to HDMI, iMac

    nope nothing worked and btw all my connections on the left and right hand side of the TV, nothing on the back... it's just placed in a diffo place. and heres what my manual says .... and...
  2. The Doctor

    Mini DVI to HDMI, iMac

    on the side of the TV it's got A/V in ... with Right and Left (red nd white) both plugged in ... and on my mac's side it's a standard 3.5" audio connector ... so relli ... it shld work. u might need to look higher up in the forum as well (Y) The Doctor
  3. The Doctor

    Mini DVI to HDMI, iMac

    Ok, so I brought the cables ... they are going to be coming to the house soon. the one cable the 3.5 mini plug to RCA cable came (Y) :D BUT .... if i plug it into my audio port on my iMac and the side of my TV that does nothing ... am I missing something? I should still be able to...
  4. The Doctor

    Mini DVI to HDMI, iMac

    lol ... my bad! Thank you VERY much The Doctor
  5. The Doctor

    Mini DVI to HDMI, iMac

    so if im right iMac connects to Apple mini DVI to DVI cable. That DVI end is female. I buy a 10 Meter DVI to HDMI Cable Connect to TV and I can see my iMac on the Screen? I no I need a Audio cable thingy u mentioned abuv and also that the link is for a 1 M cable, but im right yh...
  6. The Doctor

    Mini DVI to HDMI, iMac

    after looking on my TV I've got HDMI/DVI (The DVI port) and a D/Sub ok .. so wt I want is ... a HDMI cable from my Mac! ok .. finally getting somewhere, thanks to ur help :) ok .. so, my Mac is like maybe 10m away from my TV ... so a long cable ... so wt do I need to get to turn...
  7. The Doctor

    Mini DVI to HDMI, iMac

    OK ... im RELLI getting confused now lol :( HDMI/DVI ... do they even look similar ... cus I have the ONE port on my TV and it says DVI/HDMI to the same port ... and ... yh ... treat me like im 10 lol. The Doctor
  8. The Doctor

    Mini DVI to HDMI, iMac

    VGA is a no go! lol so skip the HDMI den ... I can just use Mini DVI to DVI and connect a DVI all the way to my TV cus my TV has one port and it's marked DVI/HDMI. So that would be cheaper yh? also, if you could give links to the EXACT things I need, I don't wna get anything wrong...
  9. The Doctor

    Mini DVI to HDMI, iMac

    I have an 2GHz Intel Core Duo iMac, With 1.5GB RAM, Running 10.5.2 (every info helps). I sort of know what I want, but i'm a tad confused. I've got a lovely 27" HD TV in my Room, and on the other end of it a lovely iMac. Hey what's this? ... I want to connect them! So how do I connect my...
  10. The Doctor

    Interesting occurrence with Front Row

    I just tried it. Seems fine to me! :P ... Why didn't you just load up Front Row again and Quit it? The Doctor
  11. The Doctor

    iPod Dock & Mac

    I plan for Xmas to get an iPod Touch and a Apple Universal Dock. I Have a 2.1 Speaker system. It has one 3.5" audio plug. I want to know how I can have the Audio coming from the Dock and my Mac at the "same time" Or rather without having to move the Audio Plug around. The Doctor
  12. The Doctor word association!

    Your Mum :P ... um... Windows! ... yh I'm going for Windows
  13. The Doctor

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    The Way I Are - Timbaland ... TUNEAGE!!
  14. The Doctor

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    no u hang up - Shayne Ward
  15. The Doctor word association!

    lol, ok ... well ... Colour :P ... nh im oj. um ... hmm ... The Office
  16. The Doctor word association!

  17. The Doctor

    OS 10.5 - Bluetooth problems in leopard

    I've also had this problem with a clean 10.5 installation Nokia N95, Motorola V3i and another Nokia all have not been able to send files to my Macintosh. I can connect the other way round though :S The Doctor
  18. The Doctor

    Firefox ( has started talking to me

    lol... just Firefox .... and I don't think this is the right place to post this. The Doctor
  19. The Doctor

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Hung Up - Madonna wooo The Doctor
  20. The Doctor word association!

    First word is Browser and get's to cottage cheese lol ... hmmm ... Baked Potato