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  1. The Doctor

    Need a weird software!

    I don't belive the problem is within the Finder it is the program. If the program could be hacked, then that would be the program sorted you see. P.S The Finder is great, better then Windows Xplr.
  2. The Doctor

    Need a weird software!

    I think you misunderstood a bit, I LOVE MAC OS X ... I mean at 14, I made my choice it is the OS I want to use and show off (off topic: I get teased for having a Mac and use the Porn + Viruis Joke :) ) But... It is something I will have to get used to, as I do know some programs that use the...
  3. The Doctor

    Need a weird software!

    Thanks for the tips Guys, But I'm used to and prefer the one Windows System, But hate Windows :)
  4. The Doctor

    Need a weird software!

    Mac OS should have been Called Windows lol, As Lets say Word, Is in one Window and the toolbars are insidethe window but on Mac OS X they are sepearte windows and this is very annyoing, But if they got rid of that then it would be great :)
  5. The Doctor

    Need a weird software!

    lol and yea, Glad it aint windows, but very few Mac Apps have grey to make the screen "complete" and not clickable to the Finder or another app. And I would like to have it all closed up :)
  6. The Doctor

    Need a weird software!

    Loads of werid things are made for the Mac lol :) I was wondering does anyone know where I can get a Hack or a program to make Office not have "gaps" and to have a greay "background .. Because I keep clicking out of office! And Like it, like it is in Windows ... shhh I never said that!
  7. The Doctor

    Cars :(

    The lowest form I will result to is Running windoze on my Mac lol. Altho, Got Sims 2 for Mac really nice :)
  8. The Doctor

    Cars :(

    Still have the problem! And I have the DVD which is Windows / Mac CD
  9. The Doctor

    Mighty mouse - doesn't live up to it's name

    Ok ... I made my descion ... I will stick with the wired MM for now and then soon go for the new MM. The Doctor
  10. The Doctor

    Mighty mouse - doesn't live up to it's name

    Hang on a minute, I don't really understand what your saying lol ... please write it out again? Thank you The Doctor
  11. The Doctor

    Mighty mouse - doesn't live up to it's name

    Basic! lol ... Altho, You wouldn't happen to know of anything that is like the mighty mouse would you? Doesn't have to be wireless but the side buttons wuld be great. Thanx in advance The Doctor
  12. The Doctor

    Cars :(

    The thing is the installtion "Box" comes up and it is installed right! ... O yea and the install cars in the last 3 days has become a folder which i'm not allowed to access
  13. The Doctor

    Cars :(

    Thanks fryke and Natobasso ... I'm glad you have sense ... I'm about to try your method.
  14. The Doctor

    Mighty mouse - doesn't live up to it's name

    I don't know what to do ... Recently my mouse works ok as in pointing and the Mouse Ball! (scrolling) So ... there we go .. I need to find one very simalr with those buttons.
  15. The Doctor

    Mighty mouse - doesn't live up to it's name

    I like how everything is place on the Mighty Mouse and maybe the optical light will be better... Does anyone know if there is a very simalir mouse to the Mighty Mouse?
  16. The Doctor

    Mighty mouse - doesn't live up to it's name

    Is it worth the cost, does it move good? The Doctor
  17. The Doctor

    Cars :(

    lol ... I do that, you don't know how much they no lol .... altoh nxt time my mac wants to keep a DVD/CD I will tell you lol, thanks for your help. The Doctor
  18. The Doctor

    Cars :(

    Thanks ... I know how to eject the DVD :P ... Thanks anway
  19. The Doctor

    Cars :(

    Ok ... got cars it is a Windows/Mac DVD and I have intel iMac with 1.5GB ram I installed the universal binary update ... but is asking me to instert the DVD which is in :S plz help The Doctor