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  1. The Doctor

    Mighty mouse - doesn't live up to it's name

    See, I might as I said go for the stronger bluetooth Mighty Mouse as I LOVE the side buttons and the one button desgin and even the apple logo :P How ever, the scroll ball is just a PAIN. I used a v. good microsoft mouse On my PC (which my dad now has) and it worked much better and does...
  2. The Doctor

    Mighty mouse - doesn't live up to it's name

    I didn't know Apple had a thing about cleaning it. Good find The Doctor
  3. The Doctor

    Mighty mouse - doesn't live up to it's name

    I Was talking about the 360 scrolling trackball which is crap lol The only apple hardware I hate... I LOVE the keyboard, esp. the big keys Should I go for the more powrful laaser and wirless Mighty mouse, or something else? Any Ideas? The Doctor This thread continues on the next page >>
  4. The Doctor

    Mighty mouse - doesn't live up to it's name

    Yep, Plastic topped and free lol Altho, the way optical is adversited is Any terrain, In saying that the new Bluetooth Mighty Mouse has a better Sensor apprently, So I might go for that to. Thank you The Doctor
  5. The Doctor

    Mighty mouse - doesn't live up to it's name

    Yea I could use a trackball, but that is a bad idea, the actal mouse is great it's the Jumping and the Mouse ball that can't be cleaned (for the 360 scrolling) I wonder if the bluetooth one is better, apprently It has better optical thingy lol. The Doctor P.S My mouse still jumps ... I will...
  6. The Doctor

    Mighty mouse - doesn't live up to it's name

    Hi The Mighty mouse is the only mouse I have ever used on my mac as I switched from "windows" on april, but the Mighty Mouse (wired) Has given me porbelms: Ball can't be cleaned and won't work and WORSE of all .. the mouse on the screen randomly moves! What can I do? The Doctor