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  1. V

    cannot find desktop.plist on 10.5.5

    I tested my previous advice out on my System before posting. Spotlight finds my ~/Library/.plist files ... I think that's basically the answer, if you were to delete a certain preference file, then it is re-created the next time it's needed, as in "trying to set the desktop background" I...
  2. V word association!

  3. V word association!

    disco biscuit
  4. V word association!

  5. V

    cannot find desktop.plist on 10.5.5

    Hello coolpor2 & welcome to the forums :) Don't you mean Try a Spotlight search ...
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    change my computer icon in leopard

    I was also wondering if you upgraded to Leopard yourself, what type of upgrade method you employed or if you bought the MB with Leopard installed that would rule out my theory regarding the type of upgrade having something to do with this strange phenomenon. You could try changing the...
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    change my computer icon in leopard

    OK, we are on the same track but there are obvious differences between Tiger/Leopard but at least we are talking about changing the same icon. But ... we need to back up a little ... There are a few previously mentioned steps that need further clarification. If you bring up the Get Info for...
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    Viruses On Os X

    I must admit I'm suprised that with the above 'credentials'(which to me personally are both impressive & meh-ish at the same time), that you would ever attempt to deliver what could be construed by a good many forum folk as a "below the belt" blow:
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    Mumbai Madness

    To me the above scenario is exactly where religion steps in ... ie: "Let he/she who is without sin cast the first proverbial" Or "Let he/she who interprets this text, realise that it is their own personal interpretation and that others will interpret the same text differently due...
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    change my computer icon in leopard

    Just for clarification sake, we are talking about this icon?
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    Viruses On Os X

    While surfing last night I was presented with this dialogue window ... I tried to close the Tab and saw this window: I opted to "Force Quit" Safari rather than clicking the OK button ... Then I relaunched Safari and from the menubar chose "History" then "Reopen all Windows from last...
  12. V

    change my computer icon in leopard

    zeroatma, do you have another user account to test whether it's possible to change the HD icon at all on your MB? It is very odd that you've had no luck with it. Maybe you should boot up from your Install DVD and run Disc Utility to repair Permissions? I know you're probably fed up with it...
  13. V

    change my computer icon in leopard

    Hello zeroatma :) As I'm still running on Tiger and wasn't aware of any "things to watch out for in Leopard" I add the following to the above. Have a read through this and hopefully you will be able progress with things. There is a section covering the Sharing & Permissions part and as I...
  14. V word association!

    pseudo echo
  15. V word association!

    Jonathan Leibowitz
  16. V

    Mumbai Madness

    That's a terrific quote and pretty much sums up my opinion! They shouldn't even be referred to as 'Muslims' as this implies that their religious beliefs should be taken into account, but seriously, if you really *think* that it's a deeply religious experience to kill or injure others, then such...
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    change my computer icon in leopard

    Ahh, funny enough I asked if this was a Leopard feature in my previous post, then backspaced over that question ... As I suspected you are referring to the very icon I myself modded so long ago I almost can't remember "how to" .... I'm still using Tiger (10.4.11) and the following...
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    change my computer icon in leopard

    Which particular icon do you mean zeroatma? The MacintoshHD icon? I long ago changed my MacintoshHD icon but that's the only icon in my Finder window Sidebar that I can imagine you're referring too?
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    White Screen on Startup...

    Hello luvmymac & welcome to the forums :) There may be something of use at this similar thread.
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    Speed Up Videos downloaded via iTunes

    Hello Alpine Journey & welcome to the forums :) Could you please try out a couple of things for me to see if they make a difference to the problem: Set the iMac monitor to play Thousands of colors instead of Millions. (Go to System Preferences ~> Display ~> Display tab, choose Thousands...