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  1. V

    hotmail classic

    When I was trying to figure out that very same thing, all I found was that it seemed that M$ allowed the option to revert back to Classic only for a limited period as their grand design is to gradually change all Hotmail accounts over to the new look. So, AFAIK, we've gotta learn to love...
  2. V word association!

  3. V word association!

    A Sassanach ... as in Se Sassanach te a tha beo ann an air a neo aig a bheil ceangal ri Sasainn. Se bun a th'anns an aiste seo. S'urrainn dhuibh a chuideachadh leis a mheudachadh
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    Problems Using CD-RWs

    Hello sofistafunk & welcome :) Is it only the one disc that your PB spits out? Is this a disc out of a pack or a single disc you just bought? If the disc is from a pack, there is a strong possibility that the CD-RW disc could be faulty, especially if the next disc in the Memorex pack works...
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    My Address Book is backed up alright, but how do I un-back-it?

    Hello piquant, If you cloned your System Drive using Carbon Copy Cloner, then you would use this App to restore Address Book. Unfortunately I have no experience with CCC, therefore I can't advise you on the steps to take. If you attach your Ext Drive can you open the drive and...
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    Weird item in trash won't go away.

    Watching this space, Fride ;)
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    M$ Guerilla tactics

    Microsoft parks "I'm a PC" recording booth outside Apple Store
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    Weird item in trash won't go away.

    Ok, let's clarify, there is a file in Mac OS X Trash that won't let you do anything to as it disappears if you select it, right? Then there is the file in your XP .Trash/501 folder (which I take is a hidden file)? Do I gather correctly, that neither file will let you modify/move/get info...
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    Weird item in trash won't go away.

    Hi Frida, try this: Boot from your Windows XP install CD/DVD, and use the Repair Windows option to repair your Windows XP partition. Then reboot back into Mac OS X and tell me if the file has gone ... fingers x'd :)
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    Weird item in trash won't go away.

    Bear with me Frida as I'm guessing here, but what if you go into the Windows partition and drag the file out of the .Trash/501 (It is probably a hidden file and I don't know how to enable those in XP), onto the XP desktop, rename it to something and then try deleting it for good from the XP...
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    Weird item in trash won't go away.

    This file that is on your XP partition, have you any idea what it is used for? You could try googling it to see if it's safe to remove. Removing it might help get rid of the file in your Trash. I don't fully understand this bit: Does Windows Xp have the same Trash invisible folder hierarchy...
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    Weird item in trash won't go away.

    Have you only just recently added the XP partition? Are you using Boot Camp? It sounds like it may be left over from the installation ....??
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    Weird item in trash won't go away.

    Can you try renaming the file from "‰'g•ý ’ø.å¼z" to say, "X" and see if it'll delete then?
  14. V

    keychain restore

    Same here. With Leopard, there's Time Machine. If it's set up properly then you could have restored your KeyChains. Unfortunately, with Tiger it's pretty much like what's been said already. You stop using your Mac, and pay the bucks to have the data recovered. If it's too late for that, as...
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    keychain restore

    Are you using Leopard, brazen? And enough of that " ... forgive my seeming a bit stupid" nonsense :) Welcome aboard, BTW ;) .
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    Weird item in trash won't go away.

    Do you have OnyX installed? I know there is an Empty Trash option which I thought might work in this case. I run OnyX from my Admin account which is about one of the few times I ever log into this Admin acct. Another thing could be to boot from your install disc and run the "Repair" disc ...
  17. V word association!

  18. V

    iPhoto no longer recognizes my Casio camera

    Hello Danielpr & welcome :) Can you post which version of iPhoto, your Mac's specifications & which OS version you are using (ie: 10.x.x). Also, any specific errors you saw when this issue occurred. In the interim, you can import your photos using Image Capture, which is in your Applications...
  19. V word association!

    orifice ... as in "I didn't have a single drink, orificer!"
  20. V

    Copy folder deletes original folder contents THEN copies new ones

    Finder doesn't let you name a folder using a previously taken name: To drop a folder with the same name, it has to be in a different location in your Home Directory, say your Documents folder. So, you can drop "Test" folder onto the "Test" folder which is on the Desktop and the result is...