Search results

  1. MDLarson

    VPN: IPsecuritas to Netgear FVX538 (not going well)

    I figured it out! It was a small setting on the Options tab in IPsecuritas that I missed. And, if anyone surfs on in looking for a good IPsecuritas setup example, check this out:
  2. MDLarson

    VPN: IPsecuritas to Netgear FVX538 (not going well)

    Hello community! I have a complete layout of the problem (including screenshots and log files) here. In short, I can't get IPsecuritas to successfully negotiate past phase 2 of the IPsec VPN. It thinks it's connected (the light goes 'green'), but nothing works past that on the client side...
  3. MDLarson

    can't delete user account..

    Hi Mackey, and welcome to the forums. Lots of good help here. :) I would recommend asking your question here (by starting a new thread). This current thread you just posted in is nearly four years old.
  4. MDLarson

    Looking for Warcraft 2 WAV files

    Well, I'm done. It took about a half hour to extract all the sounds (made more difficult by the fact I had to select Windows Wave from the popup list for each sound, then add the .wav file extension to be proper), but the deed is done! Here's the complete set of Warcraft II sounds...
  5. MDLarson

    Who else is pissed at lack of Mac mini update?

    Well, the Mac mini was never "sexy", but it was and continues to be a fine business computer. We have several in our small business, and it allows me to justify purchasing Macs when compared to budget Dells and the like. I don't know what you're talking about when you say "nobody wants a...
  6. MDLarson

    Looking for Warcraft 2 WAV files

    Sure, I have access to Mac OS 9 at work. I'll send you a PM with my email address. Then when I'm done I'll post a link to the zip file for all to enjoy. :)
  7. MDLarson

    Looking for Warcraft 2 WAV files

    Where are my Warcraft 2 sounds? This is urgent!!! ;)
  8. MDLarson

    Hi gnomasa, Did I ever talk to you about this? I just logged in and noticed this new...

    Hi gnomasa, Did I ever talk to you about this? I just logged in and noticed this new conversation thing. Email me at if you want to talk about the Evolis printer (I can't guarantee that I'll remember to check back here). -Matt
  9. MDLarson

    Looking for Warcraft 2 WAV files

    You know, like… "Ready to work!" "I've got a flying machine!" I don't have the game anymore; probably misplaced my CD-ROM or something. This website is the closest I could find to a complete collection, but I'm looking for the exhaustive list of WAV files. I think most folks extract the...
  10. MDLarson

    Who else is pissed at lack of Mac mini update?

    Well spoken, Diablo. But I think you're deceiving yourself (if only by a little bit perhaps) if you have hopes one day and those hopes are not met the next day, and you don't have any negative emotions. I just don't think it's possible for you to protect yourself from disappointment. And I do...
  11. MDLarson

    Who else is pissed at lack of Mac mini update? According to, it's been 518 days since the Mac mini's seen an update. I was ready to buy when an update was rumored the last time around a few months ago (WWDC was it?) and I was definitely ready to buy with Macworld 2009, but once...
  12. MDLarson

    Where'd my AFP log file go?

    Quick Update: My Open Directory login issue is now solved (see afp548 link for resolution), but the AFP Access Log still says "The selected log file does not exist".
  13. MDLarson

    Where'd my AFP log file go?

    My real problem is that I can't seem to authenticate via Open Directory. I originally posted my problem over at but responses are slow in coming (completely understandable... solving other peoples' problems is hard work). But, looking at the logs (see above link), I discovered...
  14. MDLarson

    Enable automatic login for multiple accounts?

    Here's a thread where nobody else figured it out and the original poster didn't really want what he was asking for: But, I would really truly like to turn on Automatic Login for at least two Mac accounts. They would be used for remote VNC...
  15. MDLarson

    Mac OS X Server 10.5 Install

    You might try posting your question in the Mac OS X Server section.
  16. MDLarson

    Basic Questions about DNS service in Leopard Server

    Well, I have to be honest; I don't fully understand everything you said, but I am now convinced that I don't really need to do DNS stuff to get what I want. The idea is cool, but my lack of experience (and based on your explanation, the technical aspects) tell me that I should just leave it...
  17. MDLarson

    Basic Questions about DNS service in Leopard Server

    Here's what I have: Intel Xserve with dual ethernet ports (configured manually; and Mac OS X Server 10.5.4 FileMaker Server 9 Two subnets (10.0.0.X and 10.0.1.X) connected via VPN. Clients on both networks must be able to reach the server. Here's what I want...
  18. MDLarson

    Problem with Lacie drive

    Well, this is kinda interesting. I was going to post my success story for any folks wandering in on search terms and found this thread near the top. In a nutshell, I have a 500 GB dual-disk LaCie drive that died about a month ago. The symptom would be a forever-blinking blue light on...
  19. MDLarson

    Incorrect file sizes on SMB volumes?

    Well, OK. If someone happens to drop into this thread months later and has an answer, I'd still be interested in hearing it. I'm going to chalk this one up as a Mac OS X SMB bug.