Search results

  1. MDLarson

    [HOWTO] - Make iCal an alarm clock!

    If you're asking me, I'm going to have to respectfully decline. I don't have a lot of free time, plus I have no experience with Automator.
  2. MDLarson

    Pagemaker 7 and Tiger

    Not sure about your answer, but I would recommend an upgrade to InDesign. It has done an adequate job at opening our old PageWrecker files for us.
  3. MDLarson

    Cannot Boot... WEIRD Apple logo on startup

    Well, that was it. I tried using the install disks that came with the iMac, and, lo and behold, it worked! The earlier boxed version of Mac OS X (10.3.3, I believe) was indeed older than the 10.3.5 disk that came with the computer. And the ethernet port issue I thought I was having was...
  4. MDLarson

    Pro Mac mini article guesses Apple's cost / profit

    The electrical engineer at my work occasionally cuts out interesting articles / ads for me, and today he showed me this article, published in Electronic Engineering Times. The author, using the estimated minimal cost of $258.34, would result in a "low" profit of $240.66, "even before...
  5. MDLarson

    Maxing out my iMac

    I'm pretty sure that model has two RAM slots... one real close to the motherboard and another, more user-friendly, slot when the base is removed. Actually, I'm 100% positive of that fact. I remember because when we were ordering them, the intent was to max out the internal RAM slot as much...
  6. MDLarson

    Cannot Boot... WEIRD Apple logo on startup

    If you have trouble deciphering that attached image, the Apple logo image seems to shift to the right, and the tip of the logo (beneath the bite mark) pops up on the left side. Furthermore, there is a strip of weird colored pixels on the top left of the area. The rest of the screen is just the...
  7. MDLarson

    Cannot Boot... WEIRD Apple logo on startup

    Take a look at the attached file... that happens when attempting to startup from a Panther CD from a retail box. Here's exactly what happens: • Insert the Mac OS X install disk 1 • Go to Startup Disk and select it... Restart • Machine restarts, playing familiar startup chime • Wait a few...
  8. MDLarson

    Rep Power Icons? a new addition. i'm confused by it

    Well, one way to identify a troll or trouble-maker is with the Report Bad Post function. I've seen a few messages in my online history from admins pleading with people to USE the feature, maybe because they don't have the time to sift through each and every post. If an admin is identifying a...
  9. MDLarson

    Rep Power Icons? a new addition. i'm confused by it

    Are you serious? I would think that the status quo would be good posts, and would be expected.
  10. MDLarson

    Site to Site VPN with Mac OS X Server (10.3)

    AWESOME. Thanks so much for that reply. I feel like I've been asking and asking for the same thing, and your reply goes a long way towards pointing towards what I should do. I very much appreciate small details like the "java-based works-with-Safari" info too. :) I'll be looking into it...
  11. MDLarson

    What are Apple's top 5 current biggest mistakes?

    Stop... it's too late... I'm feeling frustrated... What is more complicated? Asking somebody to... A) Control-Click to empty the trash B) Press-Click to empty the trash C) Right-Click to empty the trash What's the big freaking deal? If you want to get nit-picky, the right-click option...
  12. MDLarson

    What are Apple's top 5 current biggest mistakes?

    OK, I'll retreat from my hard-line stance a little bit (and for the record, I didn't say "you're just dumb", I said "that's just dumb". I would propose that even folks who are confused about the right-click might think that the Mac is limited in functionality. The "more buttons the better"...
  13. MDLarson

    What are Apple's top 5 current biggest mistakes?

    YOU'RE WRONG!!! Your argument might be valid in 1984 when people didn't know what a mouse was. But most computer users know what a right-click is. And what does Apple need? Switchers. What are these switchers familiar with? Two-button mice. I laugh at your assertion that a 2nd mouse...
  14. MDLarson

    What are Apple's top 5 current biggest mistakes?

    #1 One button mouse. #2 One button mouse. #3 One button mouse. #4 One button mouse. #5 Renaming Rendevouz to that other French name.
  15. MDLarson

    Rep Power Icons? a new addition. i'm confused by it

    It'd be a fun idea if it were used lightly (or was shown only in a member's profile maybe). I remember when I first started posting here, I was sorta put off by the high post counts of others for some reason... don't remember rightly what the issue was... Anyway, I'm up over a thousand posts...
  16. MDLarson

    Site to Site VPN with Mac OS X Server (10.3)

    I am running an Xserve with Mac OS X Server 10.3, and have set it up as a VPN server. However, I understand that I really want a "site-to-site" VPN setup, and not just a "client-to-server" VPN setup, which 10.3 does not do. I should say that I have read that 10.3 has all the capability of...
  17. MDLarson

    I shut down an eBay scam!

    What happened again? I'm not exactly clear on that. Do you mean they shutdown the seller's account and froze his PayPal account?
  18. MDLarson

    Rep Power Icons? a new addition. i'm confused by it

    Yeah, I'd also agree that we should see some visibility about why our rep count is what it is. I was part of another forum at one time where they tried to enable a reputation gage, but when somebody voted a positive vote, it turned into a negative vote for some reason. It caused great...
  19. MDLarson

    how easy is OS X Server / Xserve to manage?

    We just got an Xserve for a new business and while I don't have any experience with hosting web content on it (yet), I can say that there was a steep learning curve for me, a traditional "user". I am very GUI oriented myself, and was hoping that features in Mac OS X Server would be absolutely...
  20. MDLarson

    QuickBooks Pro for Mac or buy a PC

    Well, if complaining and whining isn't going to improve a product, I don't know what will. Healthy competition maybe? If you could humor me, why exactly do you think that whining and complaining won't help? A company that really cares would pay attention to that, I would think.