Search results

  1. MDLarson

    QuickBooks Pro for Mac or buy a PC

    Well, 6 months later, I can report that we got the PC and a copy of QuickBooks Basic. Then we felt we needed to upgrade to the Pro version due to multi-user needs. I don't deal directly with the program, but I get called over when there are problems. It is a step up from our old Mac OS 9...
  2. MDLarson

    I hate PageMaker!!!!!

    I've heard of FrameMaker, never used it though. And I am happy to report that I am now happily using InDesign. I have much less stress now that I am on my Mac OS X machine (vs. Mac OS 9, of course).
  3. MDLarson

    Remotely installing software on an XServe

    This might be of help to you… Personally, I am like a fish out of water with the command line and stuff like that. I feel like, if I can't see it, I'm gonna screw something up. That's why I wanted a video card in our Xserve! :) A quote from the article:
  4. MDLarson

    Reviews policy

    Gah! You're right! Is the default behavior of the Reviews forum to show only posts from the last month or something? Is this different from any other forum? The thing that tripped me up was that the page clearly said "Showing threads 1 to 3 of 3".
  5. MDLarson

    Reviews policy

    I had posted a couple of reviews so far, with the intention of posting more as is appropriate. The one I posted regarding the Pebble card printer appears to have been deleted... Was there something wrong with it, or is there a new policy that "old" reviews get deleted? I would prefer they...
  6. MDLarson

    Minor dock right-click glitch

    I think I found a small glitch in the GUI (10.3.9). If you right-click (or control-click) on an application, you bring up a menu. When the app is open, it brings up the Show In Finder / Hide / Quit menu. So, there is a very small area between the icon and the desktop where right-clicking...
  7. MDLarson

    BBC article on Apple and its following

    LOL. Feels good to be a Mac user sometimes, but I'd peel it back a bit and point to the concrete reasons why I "do" Mac...
  8. MDLarson

    ibook and Linksys WRT54G

    Yes, use the included ethernet cable first for setup. I believe you can even setup and connect to the wireless network while you're still connected via ethernet. If you plan on putting a password on your wireless network (you should) there is a trick to get your iBook to remember the hex key...
  9. MDLarson

    No more using iPods on airplanes...

    OK I get it I guess. :)
  10. MDLarson

    No more using iPods on airplanes...

    Err... you do realize that the quote reads "not because of some screwy FDA law" (emphasis added).
  11. MDLarson

    Tiger is GO!!!!!!!

    I voted "Right away" but only because I was waiting for Tiger to buy my Mac mini from ColorWare. I'm a gonna have it painted "Techno" blue and install it in my WRX!!! :D
  12. MDLarson

    Do I have to enable Port Forwarding for VPN?

    Gah! Where are the experts when I need them?!?! :confused: After much fruitless searching on the internet, I finally called our ISP and got some good info. VPN has nothing to do with port fowarding. The Xserve needs to have its own public IP address, not hide behind the DHCP server with a...
  13. MDLarson

    Toshiba IK-WB01A Network Camera

    I received an email from "Nate", who had the following to say… The $500 version of the reviewed camera Nate mentioned is the Toshiba IK-WB11A, which does appear to have many improvements over the IK-WB01A. I have to somewhat disagree with Nate's #4 point only because it seems like ALL specs...
  14. MDLarson

    automatically connect to wireless network

    If you use WEP authentication, I believe you must type in "0x" (zero-ex) before the shared key for Mac OS X to remember the password. I have a Linksys WRTG54 and this is what I have to do. (original thread topic)
  15. MDLarson

    Part of wireless network not working - Netgear access point

    Good to hear the switch to the Mac mini! I continue to be impressed by its success as more and more PC folks take notice. As far as your network goes, I'm no expert, but I would start by trying to get everything on the same subnet (i.e. 10.0.0.XXX), including the wireless network. Let me...
  16. MDLarson

    Do I have to enable Port Forwarding for VPN?

    So I got my shiny new Xserve, and have hit a wall. I think it's just a small fence and not a full-blown wall, but I'm stuck anyway. Mac OS X Server configuration: Xserve (static internal IP) > switch > Cisco 675 DSL modem (static external IP) I've created a user, added that user to a...
  17. MDLarson

    Toshiba IK-WB01A Network Camera

    And by the way, I meant to look at the camera cross-eyed in that 2nd picture. I already know I look like a dork... ha!
  18. MDLarson

    Toshiba IK-WB01A Network Camera

    I've been playing with the camera for a little bit, mostly exploring the web interface. Like I said before, I'm using the camera primarily with 3rd party software, so I am not using the camera's built-in web interface to its full potential. However, from what I've seen, it's very workable...
  19. MDLarson

    Dreamweaver: Can I OMIT in Find and Replace?

    A ha! Thanks for the tip in a new direction! I do not have BBEdit, but TextWrangler (Free, also made by Bare Bones) does the job perfectly. I can go to the Find & Replace window, type in my line of code (in my case it's <!-- Start of StatCounter Code -->), click on the Options… button, and...
  20. MDLarson

    Yet another Personal Freedom Thread (was: School bans iPods)

    Well stated pds! It's that kind of articulation that I personally struggle with.