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  1. MDLarson

    The Grand Project - Suggestions, please!

    Sweet, somebody responded to my signature plea! ;) I have a similar setup spec'd out (D-Link's cheapo IP camera + D-Link's stand-alone splitter + a 3com PoE enabled 24 port switch). It's good to see what other equipment works too... this video stuff is one of the more exciting mini-projects...
  2. MDLarson

    USB Hub in Linksys form factor?

    Well, the half-sphere model I just bought would be impossible to fit... but there are other more flat models that might be more conducive to the project. I love working the word "conducive" into my conversations... :D And btw, I happen to have a Linksys 8 port switch just sitting here...
  3. MDLarson

    Help me shut down this scam please

    Yeah, I figured it belonged there, but in my rush I just wanted to get it in front of as many people as possible. :)
  4. MDLarson

    Help me shut down this scam please

    Hmm... the page doesn't seem to be loading, so maybe that's a good sign. I sent an email to and reported it anyway. Here's eBay's "suspicious email" page.
  5. MDLarson

    Help me shut down this scam please

    I visited the top level of the link the email sent me: It looks like maybe it's a page hosted by So I sent them an email.
  6. MDLarson

    Help me shut down this scam please

    Some idiot sent me another email saying... "Dear User, eBay needs a correct information from you. The link provided goes to this page. The last time this happened to me, I emailed the web server company the page resided on, and it got shut down quickly. This time, it's like on it's own...