Search results

  1. Hughvane

    was wondering what type of ram can you help?plz

    Memory finder is right, according to Mactracker. I've checked that Everymac info and it too says PC2100. All the other lettering is definition that I've found confusing in the past. SDRAM = Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory, SODIMM = Small Outline Direct Inline Memory Module. So...
  2. Hughvane

    cant listen to the radio

    Hi Angie - I agree with VT and SC ... what's the link? We need to see the format in which the station is streaming. Do you have Flip4Mac installed? If not, it would be a good idea to have it. Next, download a beaut little app called FStream...
  3. Hughvane

    What's Been Messing With My Network?

    I thought I had good news for a while when the most recent Tiger update appeared to have fixed the Network settings issue. I was hoping. In misguided confidence I disabled the SysPref > Security > "Require Password for All ...." setting, and still no recurring warning, so it looked good at that...
  4. Hughvane

    Mac G5 Desktop or MacbookPro?

    A laptop will operate an external monitor, no problem, I've seen that in operation many a time. Not too big though. I've worked with photographers for over a decade now and never seen one with a laptop in tow. Lots of other things in those shoulder bags :) For some reason, maybe because I've...
  5. Hughvane

    Hard Drive Space

    Sorry, yes, the terminology is 'previous', not 'old'. Okay, next session: what might you have been doing recently that would duplicate large files? Backups? Have you been loading a lot of music or movies, or working extensively with iPhoto? Remember too that there will be a discrepancy between...
  6. Hughvane

    Hard Drive Space

    Check for any 'old systems', brought about by OS upgrades, archive & install, that sort of thing. If things are working tickety-boo with the present OS, you can safely discard any old systems that might be on your hard drive.
  7. Hughvane

    Text FROM mp3 (or other audio format)

    Okay, simple answer is that there is very limited software for actually transcribing from speech-to-text (note what philbert had to say in his response in that link). I do know that there is significant work going into development of software to enable s-t-txt for the storage of audio archives...
  8. Hughvane

    Text FROM mp3 (or other audio format)

    iListen from MacSpeech. See
  9. Hughvane

    Mac G5 Desktop or MacbookPro?

    You've said much of what you need to know in one word - mobility. Does your work require you to cart a computer about? If so, then the MBP will do the job, and you can always run an external monitor etc from it. If you're deskbound, or confined to a workspace like a studio, then a desktop...
  10. Hughvane

    Scanner not found

    Go through Printer Setup Utility once again. You may need to reinstall software.
  11. Hughvane

    web cam

    Go to sourceforge to see what cameras are cross-compatible. Those more knowledgeable than I can tell you about the camera technology format, but it's way over my head. I too use a cheap Logitech Quickcam Go, and it works 'okay', nothing stronger than that, with my contacts, both Mac and Win. Oh...
  12. Hughvane

    Replacing internal hard drive G4 IMAC

    Should do. The flashing ? mark was because the hardware part was looking for the software part, namely an OS > System Folder. Well, you could do it on to the 'bare' drive with an IDE-USB adaptor, but internally is faster and better. Keep us posted on progress.
  13. Hughvane

    Replacing internal hard drive G4 IMAC

    Hi Curt Yeah, sort-of. That iMac was originally issued with OS 10.1.x, which will be what those grey disks are about; and the latest OS that model came out with was 10.2. The original OS would have been factory-installed. The reason you have 6 disks is because they're CDs. Tiger (OS 10.4) is -...
  14. Hughvane

    Replacing internal hard drive G4 IMAC

    That G4 iMac is the very first flat panel model and is USB 1. The replacement Maxtor drive will need to have a full retail version of Tiger put on to it before you can replace all the backed-up files. The grey disks you have are Restore only, to be used for 'fixing'. As to the size of the...
  15. Hughvane

    Epson printer 'needs service'.

    Yes, the subject of 'planned obsolescence' is vigorously debated. Computer and peripherals recycling is a relatively new phenomenon in this country, and it was public pressure that brought it about. Having said that, the C62 is quite an 'old' printer in terms of modern technology. My guess is...
  16. Hughvane

    DVD's burnt on MacBook Pro won't play on DVD players

    Firstly, I read on another forum that Win and Mac burn dvds in a slightly different way, (ISO-something) which creates problems with playback on other-platform machines. However, from what you post, it might be that your MBP has a faulty burner, which would be unusual but not impossible in such...
  17. Hughvane

    Epson printer 'needs service'.

    I tend to sympathise with and support your stand on retaining a piece of hardware that works, but needs 'fixing'. Have you been here? (the cookie thing might throw your computer off the scent, but you'll get there)...
  18. Hughvane

    Use Onyx to Save Screenshots

    In Onyx, 'after signing in', and ignoring the drive checks, choose Parameters. Under the General tab, go to Screen Capture Format and choose your preferred option (.png is recommended). Then go to Path and Select where the screenshot is to be saved. Then choose Name for a folder. From then...
  19. Hughvane

    Not enough power?

    I read somewhere that the USB port closest to you, or furthest away - you have a 50/50 chance - provided more power than the other. Your other option is to use a powered hub.
  20. Hughvane


    Read this review - you need to get near the bottom to find any reference to Mac.