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  1. Hughvane

    Deleting Accounts

    Use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page. The administrators will deal with it.
  2. Hughvane

    Not Sure

    Printer Setup Utility > Add Printer.
  3. Hughvane

    Duplicated Login Item

    I have a duplicate item, namely Expander Daemon, in Sys Prefs > Accounts > Login Items. The first one heads a list of 7 items in total. It says its Kind is Unknown. The second ED is at the end of the list and its Kind states Application. Is it safe to remove the first ED?
  4. Hughvane

    Bandwidth Meter

    Perhaps you've found these already:
  5. Hughvane

    Remove Internet Cleanup Demo?

    Extraordinary!! Install to Uninstall?? Oh well. I think another answer may be in System Prefs > Accounts > Login Items > Unlock to make changes > Select Item > Click - sign. It's gone!
  6. Hughvane

    Finder loop Due to disconected usb drive

    Is your usb drive connected when you try to delete the unwanted files? My thinking is along the lines of when a file is trashed from an external device - and then that device unmounted/disconnected BEFORE Trash is emptied, either by Empty or Secure Empty - then every time the ext. device is...
  7. Hughvane

    find message in mail

    Can you recall any specific word from your relative's message? For example, I typed the word Janet in Spotlight and it immediately turned up the emails between a client of that name and me. EasyFind does a very thorough search, needs more specific direction than Spotlight, and takes longer...
  8. Hughvane

    Audiophiles and CD Ripping Pros - Listen Up!

    In a word - Pioneer. They work really well with Mac. Internal (buy enclosure) - Ready-made -
  9. Hughvane


    You're right MM, that link I provided didn't work - except that it did when I provided it (copy-paste) :confused: Yours worked just fine. Hopefully the contributor's problem is now solved.
  10. Hughvane

    Adding new sounds to System Pref "sound effects".

    This is what we like in forums - satisfied customers :D And thanks to you Dean for responding .... Cheers, Hugh
  11. Hughvane


    Two things: 1. Where do you have Perian installed? It should be in System Preferences and should show at the bottom of the Sys Pref pane when you open it. 2. The weblink you show above is not correctly presented. It should read: Try this...
  12. Hughvane

    Adding new sounds to System Pref "sound effects".

    S'been a while Dean, but I knew I'd read a Sys Sound question somewhere. If you haven't already worked around getting new sounds into your Mac's system, here goes: 1. Go -> Computer -> System -> Library -> Sounds Any added files must be in .aiff format. When adding sound files to the Sounds...
  13. Hughvane

    upgrade OS 9.2 to OS 10

    Depends on the model, it's usually a straightforward process, just follow the rules about earthing. This may help: I've actually found watching a How To on YouTube to be...
  14. Hughvane

    Eudora In box corrupt

    You're obviously aware of the Eudora vs Leopard issue, but there's nothing in Eudora settings that will tell it to look specifically for new mail. It does that anyway, under Checking Mail, so my guess is that something has happened in the reset of your mail server that Eudora doesn't recognise...
  15. Hughvane

    Horrible cracking sound with screen captures

    The screws may appear tight, but it's between them and the wire that may be the cause if there's a build-up of oxide. Undo the screws and withdraw the wire for cleaning before reattaching. I'd also fold the wire end over to give more substance for the screw to grip. Pleeeeease, don't use...
  16. Hughvane

    DVD burning problems

    This faq site might provide an answer:
  17. Hughvane

    Horrible cracking sound with screen captures

    I experienced the exact same annoyance with my Mac -> Aiwa amp -> Technics speakers. It was a dodgy 3.5 mm connector to the Mac's audio out socket, plus a loose screw clamp in a cable to the spkrs. A bit of cleaning, tweaking and tightening fixed it. Just a thought - when you do the picture...
  18. Hughvane

    Import Video to Iphoto from Canon S50

    Are you using a USB cable from your camera, or a card reader? Check via System Profiler -> USB for anything that shows there; or via Disk Utility.
  19. Hughvane

    emac display too bright

    Check SysPref -> Universal Access -> Seeing tab and look at the Display settings there, particularly Contrast. Maybe something's happened there.
  20. Hughvane

    DVD's won't play

    Try VLC Player, free from Versiontracker or MacUpdate, for dvd playback. And what program are you using to burn the dvds? You may need to change to something else.