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  1. fryke

    Today's new Things (MacBook Air and whatever else was introduced in the keynote)

    Well: That "definite" line could easily be blurred in the future. Just think about it: Autumn '11 could give us that second generation MacBook Air 11", and it could run on an A4 (or whatever the next version of Apple's own processor will be called) processor and a version of Mac OS X that takes...
  2. fryke

    Today's new Things (MacBook Air and whatever else was introduced in the keynote)

    Oh and: I love the MBA 11". I'll get me one on Monday or Tuesday.
  3. fryke

    Today's new Things (MacBook Air and whatever else was introduced in the keynote)

    In more general terms, I guess the time for pressing software CDs and DVDs and putting that into large cardboard boxes is over soon. Sure, there are rural areas, where there's going to be lag for this conversion, but more and more software (smaller stuff, bigger stuff) is coming out online...
  4. fryke

    What happened to my hard drive?

    Some MacBooks' harddrives are replaced under warranty even outside the usual one-year or AppleCare warranty, because they were found to be faulty parts in the first place. You can check your serial number on Apple's support pages or call AppleCare to check. ->...
  5. fryke

    Viruses On Os X

    ... which is taken care of if you use TimeMachine.
  6. fryke

    Question on initializing iPad

    Nope, but you'll need a Mac or Windows machine in order to activate the iPad first. Otherwise, it'll only show the "Connect to iTunes" screen.
  7. fryke

    Installing Snow Leopard via Target Disk Mode...

    Basically, you put the Mac OS X installation disc in the PowerMac's optical drive, shut it down and start it holding down "T" for target mode. Then you connect the Firewire cable, start the MacBook and hold down the option key. It should locate the disc in the PowerMac's drive and let you boot...
  8. fryke

    Official Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Thread & FAQ

    The new iMacs are already out. No more iMac product updates this year.
  9. fryke

    Is it possible : sound card in a G4 Xserve?

    Yes. The iMic would solve that.
  10. fryke

    Upgrade to OS X 10.5 from OS X 10.4.11

    How should we know? :) ... It depends on your machine and on whether you find a retail version of Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard". The requirements for Leopard are found here:
  11. fryke

    Is it possible : sound card in a G4 Xserve?

    Can't one simply use an iMic for both Audio input and output? The Xserve's not exactly well-equipped for use in a recording studio, since it itself is a thrombone permanently hitting that _one_ tone not used in the song one might want to record. ;) (It's loud.)
  12. fryke

    New Apple TV and iPod line

    Since AppleTV had renting movies before, I don't see why they would exclude them from renting TV shows now. They'd only miss out on renting-business. Of course they won't bring netflix etc., but renting TV shows... I don't think that even requires a software update... But *if* so, you'd simply...
  13. fryke

    New Itunes 10's looks Suck!

    Personally, I love how the new look is much more in the background. I also enjoy the new look on the pages about your iDevices. iPhone & iPad synching seems more natural now, so are software updates for those devices.
  14. fryke

    Connecting ADC Cinema Display to 2010 15" MacBook Pro

    The prices sound about right. You need the thing that also has a power supply, because the ADC Cinema Display used to get its power through the ADC cable from the (desktop) computer directly.
  15. fryke

    Snow Leopard Installation - Resolution out of range

    I'd restart the Mac holding down Cmd-Opt-P-R to reset the PRAM. You'll hear the boot-sound twice. Then try again.
  16. fryke

    Which graphic card is best under 85$ for playing games and using mac ?

    You'd have to give the model of your Mac first. From what I read it seems to be an iMac, where you can't replace the graphics card.
  17. fryke

    How did I mess this up?

    Soooooo many things could've gone wrong. One would be that one Mac uses the version in its cache. (Empty it.) One would be that you're using local paths to images instead of relative or full http://-paths for images which would mean they're actually just showing different images. Well... To try...
  18. fryke

    Major issue!!

    Start your computer from the original system disc holding down the "d" button for diagnose mode. It sounds to me that either the harddrive or one of the RAM pieces are at fault.
  19. fryke

    The Apple iPad...

    The one thing I _really_ don't get is that they don't push the use of MobileMe more. I'd love to be able to open and save RTF and Pages documents. Wouldn't need a file system other than that one.
  20. fryke

    The Apple iPad...

    I just spent five days camping with my girlfriend. We both brought along our iPads. We had enough battery power for all five days, using mine mainly to watch some TV shows in the evenings, hers for playing some games and both for accessing the web, mail etc. through the day. Of course we didn't...