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  1. D

    Reading and interpreting boot messages

    I'm new to macs and OSX and would like to learn more about what's going on at bootup and tweak a bit. I've turned on verbose bootup but the messages aren't on screen long enough to be useful. I've found dmesg but it seems to have so little of the display. How can I review what is...
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    Mounting WinXP drive as Read Only

    I'm purchasing one of those handy eSATA external docking stations so I can access data on old Windows drives. I'm concerned about not corrupting data from the drives and wonder if there is a risk of OSX writing to them. Do I need to mount the drive manually from the terminal command line to...
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    Software to capture image of long web pages

    Thanks elander The Firefox addon "Pearl Crescent Page... " is exactly what I was looking for. Captured test pages came out perfect. Thanks. Derek
  4. D

    Software to capture image of long web pages

    I'd like to capture the screen of web sites that exceed the view port of my monitor (similiar to what this Windows product does ). I've purchased Jing but it won't do it. Are there any other applications available for Snow Leopard? Now I am using Jing...
  5. D

    Hardware firewall while on the road

    Hey, I was looking at IPFW and that does look awesome. I'll be reading up on it. And you're right. At some point the trade-off of convenience and security make the issue moot. Thanks for help.
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    Hardware firewall while on the road

    But these are all software solutions. I believe you that these are as good as it gets and that I am very safe but any security blog will tell you that once your system is compromised, software protection is useless ( I feel comfortable with a hardware...
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    Hardware firewall while on the road

    I travel with a MacBookPro and have taken all the obvious steps to secure my box. I have an unused wireless router (WRT54GL v1.1) that I would love to take with me and add another layer to my armor. I've reflashed it to WW-DRT and understand that I can run the router as a client. Rabbit...
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    Unable to tile my Wallpaper

    Agreed, some will bring up the drop down but this is an image that I have used before without issue. I have 6 or 8 other favorites that I am not using right now and none of them will tile. When I browse over to my pictures directory however, "snapshots" of my niece and mom will tile but...
  9. D

    Unable to tile my Wallpaper

    After recent upgrade to Snow Leopard, my wallpaper went from being tiled to being stretched. I went to the "Desktop & Screensaver" preferences and the familiar drop down box is missing. Tried several other images and they behave the same. Anybody know if this is a bug with Snow Leopard...