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  1. D

    weird macosx home page

    I have posted twice tonight about this but in another thread (disk utility finds strange volume). I will attach the screenshot here also. Twice i selected macosx from my bookmarks and when I got here some of the words were double underlined in blue, clicking on them took me to an online...
  2. D

    disk utility finds strange volume

    Okay, so I've been running Disk Utility to repair permissions as noted in posts by other folks but I keep having to repair the unknown (to me) volume called 232.9 GB ST3250820AS. I don't know what this is or where it came from. Is it safe to delete since it seems to need repair constantly. I...
  3. D

    Debugger() was called!

    This message appears frequently in the console.log - what does it mean? This morning I checked my email, personal and work, and logged in to this website briefly. During that time the console.log shows the debugger message and warnings from" Syndication Agent" about a malformed database...
  4. D

    can't delete veoh web player

    Hello and thanks in advance for listening - I've been trying to delete the Veoh web player but even using the rm -rf command that I read about in another post didn't work - it disappeared from my applications folder but reappeared on my desktop - I can't put it in the Trash because it's open...