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  1. J

    ibook clamshell only wants to sleep, HELP?

    Hi guys I have a very strange problem here. I have 2 clamshells and the indigo clamshell is making me want to smash it,lol. I really love them don't get me wrong but I AM SO angry with it. I changed the hard drive and it would not go past the grey apple screen. So I tried loading os 9 back on...
  2. J

    Tried to boot into os 9 all I see is blinking question mark

    I have a ibook g3 clamshell 576mb ram 366mhz 30gb hd. I added the hard drive and upgraded the memory and then forgot to update the firmware before I installed os x tiger. So I keep getting kernal panics because the firmware is not upgraded. Like a fool when I upgraded to tiger I erased os 9 to...