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  1. Satcomer

    [How To] Rebuild Spotlight in Mac OS

    To rebuild your Spotlight search data especially after add a networked NAS old DAS NAS! Just follow the instructions is Apple Support data web page: Rebuild Spotlight or use the Terminal command: sudo mdutil -E / and it takes about 20 minutes to complete!
  2. Satcomer

    [HowTo] Fix for Time Machine issues in Seq

    I have read in an Apple Discussions thread thread talk about Time Machine not backing up was do to a Mac OS Firewall issue is involved so turn it off allowed the backup to act normal again!
  3. Satcomer

    [ HowTo] Fix issues networking to smart NAS in sequoia!

    In my networking I seen Unix machine do the same problems were now seeing in latest Mac OS! I say this because Apple has tighten up the networking in Mac OS this time I am say g sense smart NAS decvice use clocking going to their companies server! In Mac OS out Macs are use the clocking from...
  4. Satcomer

    Apples, new AI might fix Siri ...

    This to me is best way for Siri to get better!
  5. Satcomer

    [HOW TO] Transfer data to new Mac with Migration Assistant

    Transfer to new Mac with Migration Assistant is cool support document to help you tansffer to new Mac and not loose your Data! Also look at this video:
  6. Satcomer

    Full page adds

    As regular user of this forum and lately I have seen Full Page adds thrown my way on ths site! What's going on Scott?
  7. Satcomer

    DNS bug

    I've noticed sense September 13th in the afternoon I notice the whole site slow down to point ti took 5 minutes even to load this thread! So this seems to DNS section having problems!
  8. Satcomer

    [How To] Fix Ventura SMB File sharing

    I recently came across a fix Ventura SMB sharing errors is by turn file sharing off, reboot your "Upgraded" Ventura Mac and it upon the reboot turn the file sharing back on and it is fixed! This works in many machines I read it on Apple Discussions pages!
  9. Satcomer

    Official Ventura Issues

    To start it of I know of bug in Ventura when connect to samba network! If a Ventura Mac is on network if creates a share on NAS it will remind Locked unless the originator need to highlight that share and change to unlock that shared file or even folders! I reported this to Apple Feedback on Mac OS!
  10. Satcomer

    The Future is coming ....

    I believe with the EU requirement all electronic devices after 2024 bust have USB C charging! So my feeling with the wireless puck will be the future for a port-less iPhone!
  11. Satcomer

    [HOW TO] fix issue in Recovery Mode

    Read the article ]Boot Into Recovery Mode and use the menu item Disk Utility to Repair Permissions on you main partition! Older hack Intel only hacks seem tomes with m1 different setup! This fixes a great many thing going wrong including BlueTooth, apps not launching correctly, to audio issues...
  12. Satcomer

    Software is changing

    With the current Mac Pro is last Intel Mac so when that is pushed (I believe this late Fall) and Mac Developers will have to at least Universal or Pure Silicon after that is changed or dead on a Mac1 So Mac Developers have to change or die! Lastly as part time DJ and Administrator in my older...
  13. Satcomer

    Know When

    Know when Leap Years work in America and the West too! At least America the Presidential Election happens in Leap Years!
  14. Satcomer

    Moms are now consider terrorists now

    Republications Rage Biden Weaponizing Labeling Parents Label Parent Domestic Terrorists As a Vet I find this VERY troubling and heard others in small town talk about this too, including teachers too!
  15. Satcomer

    New Apple Event for the new Macs

    Apple Events October 18 This to me means hopefully for new Macs with M2 chips!
  16. Satcomer

    Is this climate change?

    Well in the West a prolong drought and East is almost swing with more than unusual rainfall! Even some towns in My county have seen mild flooding already twice this year! They wonder if the rain will ever stop! I live the finger lakes and know the water is almost 2 inches higher because of the...
  17. Satcomer

    Get the Shots

    I went and received the two shots for virus! Sure the first shot in Left Arm made it sore for day but that went away in one day! Then the next day, I wasn't sick but it felt like I had no drive to get out of bed and had almost zero strength but the day after I felt normal again! Then after...
  18. Satcomer

    I’m confused so can someone From Europe help me?

    This report scares me about France! I know from history this doesn’t look good!
  19. Satcomer

    Just my feeling

    I seen a several articles about people moving out of Big Cities and looking for small towns! I starting feel if, in America, if you want to move to another State just find the small town that has High Speed Internet with all the 4K streaming going on with a TV device!
  20. Satcomer

    The best Home Security

    I’ve come to conclusion the best Security is loyal median/large Dog! We had a break-In when I was in and family dog (varied timid in day to day) practically became a guard Dog and bit into that crook’s leg until My Father got his Shotgun! Without that loyal Dog (May God rest his soul) we could...