Search results

  1. H

    Photo Booth - Retrograded Somehow

    I have a Powermac G5 2.3GHz running OSX 10.5.7 but somehow my Photo Booth stopped running properly about 1 week ago. As I hardly use it I didn't worry about it, until my daughter wanted to use it today. When I started to problem solve it I discovered that it is now version 2.0.2 (73), and the...
  2. H

    Internet Access Delay

    Hi, I have a real problem accessing the internet from my iMac. I have tried Safari, Opera & Firefox (all current versions) and there is always a 30 second delay before the internet page is displayed. I also have a MacBook accessing the same internet connection via AE and it does not suffer...
  3. H

    Sharing Lacie Drive with other users

    I have an iMac and recently bought a 300GB Lacie Drive. The computer is set up with 2 user accounts. Both had Administrator privileges. I recently tried to back up the 2nd user account and the Lacie wasn't shown on the desktop. Nor would it locate using Spotlight. I just wanted to know...