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  1. Y

    ADC to VGA?

    That's fantastic. You already have helped me because i just learned something too. I didn't realise that the G3 towers used a PCI graphics card, I thought they had the same AGP system as a G4. I just checked the spec online. Which makes them a really cheap source of PCI graphics cards and I...
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    ADC to VGA?

    If it is the main card for the G3 then it will be an AGP card and the towers only have one AGP slot each. If it came from one of the other slots below then it will be a PCI card and you will be in business. The AGP slots are generally a different colour to the PCIs. Any other queries feel free...
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    ADC to VGA?

    I had the same understanding problem at the beginning too, check the thread. If you have another mac with a DVI and VGA outlet video card then you will be OK you can just use a DVI to VGA adapter. Options for us dual VGA people are : Get a ADC to VGA adapter off eBay. You may have to...
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    ADC to VGA?

    Hey Raeann, please let me know if you have any luck with the double adapter trick. As far as I know it will not work. The pins in the adapters don't marry up. This thread gets a bit complicated but the others got round their problems by using a DVI to VGA adapter, and an ADC to DVI adapter (...
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    ADC to VGA?

    Vista, Nittany has the best advice if your VGA monitor is looking average. There seem to be 3 choices. If you guys are in the States then you have much more choice than I do and sensible shipping costs. For all my prices double the numbers for Dollars. I've been looking all round the world in...
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    ADC to VGA?

    Ok scrap that. I'm the only one with the problem. Just realised that Abobo Kitty has same set up as you. Just needed to swap the connector for the apple display and buy an ADC to DVI. Gonna have to buy a twin DVI card or a new Monitor.
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    ADC to VGA?

    Whoops. Just realised I haven't been reading your post correctly. Your set up was always gonna work - you have one DVI monitor and one VGA monitor. All the adapters you need are readily available. Abobo kitty and I are trying to get two VGA monitors to work off a card with ADC and DVI...
  8. Y

    ADC to VGA?

    Good luck. If the ADC to DVI doesn't carry the analogue signal the VGA needs ( and why should it - the DVI end doesn't need it - ) then I don't think it's gonna work. That's the problem. Fingers crossed anyway. Cheers.
  9. Y

    ADC to VGA?

    Thanks for the info, but it is ADC to VGA I'm looking for. Can find ADC to DVI's without too much trouble even on this side of the pond. ( I'm in foggy ol' London Town ). I'm waiting to see if the one Abobo kitty has ordered is gonna work attached to a DVI to VGA - therefore converting from ADC...
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    ADC to VGA?

    Many thanks for the update, I will wait for the results. Fingers crossed as this would be the easiest and most cost effective solution. Meanwhile, I'll keep looking for the elusive ADC to VGA converters. Cheers.
  11. Y

    ADC to VGA?

    Hi guys, first post so hope this works. Did the ADC to DVI then DVI to VGA work ?? cos I found a post on the apple discussions forum that said the former would not carry the analogue signal the latter needed. I'm trying to run 2 X 21" Studio displays ( yes, I have a big desk ) out of the same...