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  1. N

    Second display with laptop lid closed? Possible?

    How do you delete this spammer? (spammer deleted)
  2. N

    Second display with laptop lid closed? Possible?

    Hi all is it possible to have my macbook pro connected up to a large monitor and have the lid closed? I have tried and as soon as the lid is closed the screen goes off, i have disabled all power saving features to no avail? Any ideas? Thanks
  3. N

    "Software Update" not working!

    I'd love to know the answer, i am sure it a firewall problem, as when i take the mac book pro home, the updates work fine on the wireless. Maybe it's just a simple thing, like getting the hardwired firewall to except .dmg files maybe? I get - “A networking error has occurred: forbidden...
  4. N

    "Software Update" not working!

    We have a G5 at work with Tiger 10.4.09 - will not get updates (firewall problem, IT are useless bunch of MS monkeys) but even when we down load the updates manually and open the dmg file which opens the drive icon, nothing happens, when you double click it nothin???? any ideas?? I have...
  5. N

    Airport connecting to 2 wireless routers - a pain

    Ok, at home and the locations work fine with Camino (so much like FF) FF is still doing it's own thing, so i have given up on that! One question, how can i get the locations to appear as a quick select on the top menu bar? or is there a way to automatically make it switch when it detects a...
  6. N

    "Software Update" not working!

    I know, i though appletalk was an old technology, not needed these days LoL But it worked, i even double checked, turning it off and back on and it was definitely that!
  7. N

    Airport connecting to 2 wireless routers - a pain

    Thanks, i have created them, but FireFox seems to want to use it's own! Safari so far seems to work with this method. I am downloading camino now, as this looks like FF and is suppose to be quicker on a mac. I'll let you know how it goes.
  8. N

    Airport connecting to 2 wireless routers - a pain

    Do i have to set up 2 locations, one for work and one for the home? How do chosse between the 2 quickly? and what setting do i leaveon the FireFox proxy settings page> Cheers
  9. N

    Airport connecting to 2 wireless routers - a pain

    Hi guyz, I connect to a wireless router in work and at home, for home i just set the setting through firefox to connect "auto-detect proxy settings for this network" and it works fine, but in work, this does not work, i have to set it to "Manual proxy configuration" with an ip address the it...
  10. N

    "Software Update" not working!

    Thanks, Yes all those suggestions were implemented :) I also noticed that apple talk was not on, turned it on and it all works :) Cheers
  11. N

    "Software Update" not working!

    Yes that s the highest update, but i want it to automatically updates as it should for the future. Also i am having the same problems when trying to install googles Picasso software for image sharing etc. Is there anything else i could try? I am unsure how i have set up the connection as it...
  12. N

    "Software Update" not working!

    Thanks ! i tried that file and it's just the same? I have a mac book pro (2.4ghz Intel Core 2 Due) - with leopard 10.5.6 To get the normal updates i have to download them individually. I am connected to the internet via my wireless router. which is set to auto detect (if that helps)
  13. N

    "Software Update" not working!

    Hi, i have the same problem, where is the preference file i need to delete please? Thanks
  14. N

    G5 Problems.

    Yes i know, it getting our PC lovers, erm i mean IT Dept to sort it :)
  15. N

    G5 Problems.

    Thanks, yes let it go for over 2 hours - the 2 G5's are identical and it started installing within a few minutes on mine. Good news is i found the original install CD :) will try on Monday! Also we have had problem with the fire wall, stopping updates, so i wonder if the Tiger OS has had bugs...
  16. N

    G5 Problems.

    Thanks, well i have the newest version of leopard, this is where all this started LoL - when the computer restarts from the install DVD, i just get the red galaxy/space image and nothing else happens! I did this on my G5 (exact same model as my colleges) and it installed in just under an hour...
  17. N

    G5 Problems.

    Yes you are correct, feel such an idiot!! It was the mac os x Tiger for my mac bookpro LoL. Now we can't find the original discs for the G5's anywhere (Was set up before i joined the company). Can i just buy a copy of tiger and use that, will that work?
  18. N

    G5 Problems.

    Well the startup disc does not work either - nothing happens?? I have run Onyx, is there any other software i can use?
  19. N

    G5 Problems.

    Thanks, I tried starting with the CD holding down the C key but all i got was a plane light blue screen. I'll try the Startup disk method to see if that works. Many thanks!!
  20. N

    G5 Problems.

    Thanks, Disk Utility stills says - it stopped because of an underlying error? I ran it off the mac os cd, do i have to startup with the cd as the os to fix the hard drive problems? Thanks, much appreciated btw