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    Error with Adobe Extension Manager

    Hi, I recently upgraded to Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 and had some issues. I uninstalled that and then uninstalled DW CS3. Then, I re-installed DW CS4 (clean) and now CS4 works. However, I cannot open or use Extension Manager. I can't uninstall it (doesn't exist in /Applications folder) and I...
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    FTP connection issues

    Indeed, DW CS4 hates it's little brother, CS3. I'll try your trick of creating a new connection. You wouldn't happen to know how to get Extension Manager to work with CS4 would you?
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    FTP connection issues

    I am having the same issue with Dreamweaver CS4 with Mac OSX 10.5.6 If I revert back to DW CS3, the connectivity works just fine. I used Automator to create a little FTP mini-client and I can connect to my FTP server perfectly with that. FileZilla works as well. I think, somehow something...