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  1. S

    Use a Mac for Music.

    hm... i remember the time me and some friends recorded this stupid song with three different voice tracks and one music track. Which was really ineffective, but then we used an old original iMac 233, and problably a lousy recording application. But still, I would say that a mac is far better...
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    Why can't qt6 play ALL MPEG-4 compressed movies

    Hi, ever noticed that qt6 cant play all mpeg-4 movies? especially not when they're compressed with media player for windows. A friend of mine lent me a cd with some futurama and simpsons episodes and quicktime wouldn't play them :( I tried in Virtual PC where they media player could play them...
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    Use a Mac for Music.

    don't you need like heavy expensive microphones. And a helluvalot RAM if you're recording each instrument seperatly?
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    Posting Events (classic, not os x, sorry:)

    Hi, im currently experimenting with creating a macro recorder similar to AppleScript, only that I want it to record the keys pressed on the keyboard. I've managed to manipulate most applications using the PostEvent() function. However, some applications (mainly games) do not respond to these...
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    Disable transperacy in OS X?

    yes, i found shadowkiller, but it only got rid of shadows, the menus where still transparent... but thanks anyway:)
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    Disable transperacy in OS X?

    Is there any way to disable transperent menus and inactive windows in OS X to make it run faster? I have a lot of Favorites in IE and the menu redraws sluggish
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    Mac OS X wouldn't run applications!!!

    it was the "" file that somehow had gotten corupted. Everything was ok after I deleted this file.
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    Mac OS X wouldn't run applications!!!

    yup, everything looked normal. so i tried to go with the manual copy of my documents, etc... and i wanted everything to be right this time so i also copied the preferences folder, and guess what? i reproduced the same error on the new user. guess the problem was caused by a corupt prefs file...
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    Mac OS X wouldn't run applications!!!

    id like to try Toadstools solution first but how do you check the that /var is linked properly to /private/var? if i simply type "/" in to the termainal window, i get an access denied error. if i try "\" it returns merly -> or nothing when i try in single user mode. please explain it...
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    Mac OS X wouldn't run applications!!!

    oops... already tried the perbinding thing, it dosen't look like anything got worse, but when i tried to prebind again, it discovered the exact amount of applications that could need to be updated. Anyway, Disk Utility didn't find any problems and norton utilities 6 is as far as i know, not...
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    Mac OS X wouldn't run applications!!!

    some applications, like exploer and terminal have never been moved or modifyed in any way, they all live where they did after i installed OS X, quake 3 for OS X was downloaded from the internet and put in my games folder, but there were no installer included, so i guess i can put it anywhere...
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    Mac OS X wouldn't run applications!!!

    thanks Jadey. But I'm still having problems. After deleting the LS filesi tried to run internet expolrer. it lasunched as normal, and i thought my problems were over. But when i tried to run quake 3 i got the same textedit launch, and when i tried to open explorer again, it didn't work anymore...
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    Mac OS X wouldn't run applications!!!

    I have only one account, but ill try creating a new one... by the way, i read somewhere that you should type something into the console after installing new applications... i have never done that, is it possoble that that might cause mac os x to not behave itself?
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    Mac OS X wouldn't run applications!!!

    Powermac G3 400 mhz, 448 RAM... And Mac OS X have been working for at least 4 months before i got that promblem... Disk First Aid didn't find anything... Classic apps and most carbon apps run without any problems
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    Mac OS X wouldn't run applications!!!

    I have posted this quuestion at macfixit two times, but noone seems to answer me... Hi, I reguraly use Mac OS 9.2.1 because it suits my needs better that OS X, but when I tried to boot from my OS X harddrive it wouldn't run any mac os x native applications. Whenever I try to run one, TextEdit...
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    Carbon applications made with Project Biulder doesn't run on mac os

    I finally managed to compile my snake game with Project Builder, but it doesn't seem to run under mac os 9.2. The application is displayed as a document and doesn't have a creator code or file type. If I set the filetype to APPL it still refuses to run (error -39) I thought a carbon...
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    Hotmail, Mail and OS X

    How do I check my hotline mail uning the buildin Mail application for OSX ? what settings should I use? Im used to just select "Hotmail" in outlook and then don't have to worry about the things... Ruben
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    can OSX display Internet online time?

    Is there any way I can keep track of how long I've been online when using OS X like the control stip in OS9? TIA Ruben
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    project builder newbie help

    Hi, I just tried to port my snake clone to carbon using Project Builder. The source did compile, but I get an error telling me that there are no executables assosiated with the Target i selected (carbon)... I know I sould read the manual or something, but its problarbly quicker asking the...
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    Carbonized game has slow key response

    yeah, thanks... ill try that, but i like codewarrior better because i usually boots from my mac os 9.1 harddrive rather than os x Stallo