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  1. O

    Relational databases on OS X

    Yes, we support Linux. Since our product is very portable and exists on many Unix platforms we could probably port it to Mac OS X in about 4 man weeks. Which means that we realistically, with 2 guys on it, could have a test release made in about 3 weeks (from the day we have access to a Mac...
  2. O

    Relational databases on OS X

    Hi Fahrvergnuugen, Thanks for your reply. The effort of porting the application is not the problem. The problem is that if we do release our DBMS on Mac OS X we have to support it for a long time to come. That is very expensive and we need a large customer base for that to be...
  3. O

    Relational databases on OS X

    Hi, I work for a company with a database product. This product is available for many UNIX platforms, but not Max OS X. We are currently evaluating whether to support OS X with the next release or not. I'm an old Mac Hacker AND and old Unix hacker so I tend to think that OS X are two good...