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    Alice rocks!

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    FREE DUAL POWERMAC G5 1.8ghz!!!!

    I seriously doubt they ever would have found their error at apple. ::evil:: You could have had a personal g5 cluster! ::evil::
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    Panther and 3rd party burners

    This sucks, It looks like there is no easy way to add support for "non apple" dvd burners in panther, the sony dru 500 is supported but not the 510. :(
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    12 Year Old Girl sued by RIAA

    I don't understand your logic, the riaa makes its money from selling cd's. The artist makes the vast majority of their money from playing live shows. The record companies created the riaa to protect their interests. I would argue that the record companies are moving away from supporting...
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    12 Year Old Girl sued by RIAA

    By "pirating" you are hurting the giant corporations literally 10x more than the artists, forcing a new busyness model will benefit the artist big time, and it is long overdue. These giant record companies are irrelevant, I can record an album in my spare bedroom with 95% for the production...
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    12 Year Old Girl sued by RIAA

    Why would anyone support a system that the artist gets paid 4% of the revenue from the music they create? So if there are four people in the band, they get 1% each. it is sickening. Fight the power!
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    Dual Macs+Radeon9700=Great gaming!?

    I dunno man, I am a big mac fan, but I do not know of one game that supports dual processors, on top of that macs can not even use ddr ram ( i realize new macs have ddr, but their fsb is only 166 ) plus macs can not even use all the cool features of the 9700 like anti aliasing, atmospheric...
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    Dual Macs+Radeon9700=Great gaming!?

    700$ pc that will kick a 1.4 macs a$$ at gaming just add the 9700 pro, you can even upgrade the cpu to a 2200+ I think the xbox blows big time, I wish i would have got an ipod:mad: pcs are the best gaming platform by far
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    Will UT 2003 come out for mac?

    You can use opengl in the windows version also. I just hope they make use of duel processors, the game is very cpu intensive, and without it the performance on a $35000 Mac will be embarrassing.
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    Will UT 2003 come out for mac?

    I have been playing it on my pc, and it is a killer game. However, you are going to need a fast system to run it, my pc is 700 mhz, geforce2mx 64mb and 384 mb ram, and it lags at around 20 fps. To run it on a mac I would say 800mhz and a geforce 4mx minimum, and that would only get you about...
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    ftpchroot and 10.2

     Has anyone else noticed that users in /etc/ftpchroot can no longer ftp in? what up? :confused:
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    Sharing between Jag and PC

    I wanna know too
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    Setting Up an FTP behind a dynamic IP and dns update is all you need
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    Jaguar: Lid closed operation?

    I have an ibook700 and 6c115 and it goes to sleep when I close the lid, there is no option in energy saver or monitors for lid closed :(
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    Post your X.2 Desktop Pics!

    kaaza runs fine over my airport connection with microsoft remote desktop and all the settings (color depth, background ect.) turned down or off. it runs with everything turned on over 100mb even better, winmx refreshes its list a little jerky but that's about it, cant play quake of course but...