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  1. N

    imac g3 333mhz won't boot os 9.2 after fresh install

    I managed to find the problem why my system would could not find the OS files to boot from the hard drive after basically trying everything. I didn't think this would have been a possibility, but I guess it was. I bought the imac on ebay (for $39.99 I might add, however with shipping and import...
  2. N

    imac g3 333mhz won't boot os 9.2 after fresh install

    I left it there for 10 minutes just to be sure, and it just kept blinking its little heart out. What other possibilities could it be if it is not the battery? I've tried different "setenv boot-device ...." from other posts and articles on the web and none of those have worked either. I decided...
  3. N

    imac g3 333mhz won't boot os 9.2 after fresh install

    Hey there, I just bought an old grape imac g3, running at 333Mhz with 160MB ram and a 8.5GB hard drive. I just performed a fresh install of OS 9.2, but on reboot I just get that oh-so-annoying flashing question mark/mac logo. I tried booting from the cd and reblessing the system as I read on...