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  1. A

    OSX built-in WebServer

    I have a 15' PB with OS 10.4.5... i was wondering if it is possible to change the root directory of the built-in webserver... more specifically to an external drive... is this possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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    Problem with wireless

    i didnt mention that this problem is with my mothers computer... i believe, and i may be wrong... but the router is a D-Link +614 she has a ibook G4; and i have a PB'15 G4 oddly i have no problem... i appreciate the support!
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    iBook keeps telling me to restart

    When i encountered this problem with a PB 15 I used the system disk to boot into the Disk Utility. I repaired permissions, and repaired the disk... after that i got into the system but it still ran slow and unstable i found out the person had less then 1GB of free space on their HD. After...
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    Problem with wireless

    I am having a problem using Safari while using wireless. I can navigate to almost all webpages, but when I need to submit a username and password to log into a website (secure sites mostly, like banking sites) and click submit, the browser just hangs. It doesnt freeze, the circular loading...