Search results

  1. J

    Remote Application XServe?

    I don't know how much this helps, as it's not exactly the same, but we have Mac users running Remote Desktop from their Macs via a program called X11. These users connect to a PC server though, not a Mac server. I would assume that you can X11 into...
  2. J

    OSX Server -> PC File Permission issues

    Ok, it's a tough problem, i didn't really expect a solution. Assuming that it isn't the PC that is causing the problems and that it is purely the way that file permissions are handled on the Mac server, is there any way of setting up folder permissions so that all files inside that folder...
  3. J

    OSX Server -> PC File Permission issues

    Hi again, A complicated problem but might hopefully have a simple explanation. We've got 4 or 5 Mac desktops connected via X11 to a PC server. The users then run some software located only on the PC server and edit some Excel files stored on a Mac OSX file server. Thing is, these Excel...
  4. J

    Forward email problem

    That's pretty much the conclusion i came to. If all emails are being answered with a message saying they weren't delivered then the senders would know that and would try again. Didn't know it continued trying for 4 hours, not that that really helps here, but it's always good to know! Thanks...
  5. J

    Forward email problem

    Hi all, I've got a little problem. We're running OSX Server 10.4 i believe and a number of Macs networked to it. An email forward was setup by editting the aliases file so that all emails sent to "bob" were forwarded to "". Unfortunately the forwarding address was...