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  1. D

    iPhoto imports all red and green

    Starting suddenly (not sure if it was related to a system update) my imports to iPhoto from a Kodak Easy share are all red and green. Same happens when I open them with jView or Preview, but not ColorWhirl, QuickTime or ToyView, or when exported from Preview as a jp2 and then looked at again...
  2. D

    empty print file

    thanks for the info. I had done most of that. I also powercycled the hpjectdirect interface module with no effect, but after installing 10.3 powercycling that seemed to do the trick. go figure. anyway, thanks for the advice.
  3. D

    empty print file

    I am unable to print because print center says I have an "empty print file." This problem started happening after choking my HP Laserwriter 1200N with trying to print a webpage. No amount of rebooting, deleting/adding printers, etc. works. Now under 10.3.1 same problem. Any ideas?
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    10.2.8 Released! Yea!

    updated and lost all network services, incl. printer. very distressing. anybody else have that problem? can't seem to fix.:(
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    iPod software 2.0.1

    Since updating to 2.0.1, after ripping a few CDs my iPod refuses to sync with iTunes. Sometimes it connects as if it were a firewire drive (altho that is not checked) and sometimes says it synced when it didn't. I can get it syncing again by restarting. Sounds like a problem between iTunes and...
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    Software Update and problem

    pds. That's not the problem. I have 14.5 Gb free. So it somewho doesn't see that (although it notes it in the installer dialog).
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    Software Update and problem

    Mala, that might explain your problem but not mine, as the amount of disk space I have is so large.
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    Software Update and problem

    I have just run in to exactly the same problem on a Titanium. i have 14.4 GB free! any ideas anyone?
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    Jaguar and sleep

    Two machines, G3 iMac and G4 desktop with Jaguar now take about 30 seconds to go to sleep. In 10.1 they went to sleep instantly. Another G3 iMac with Jaguar goes to sleep instantly. Any fix for the insomniacs?
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    Classic printing suddenly stopped

    Trashed the Prefs but to no avail.
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    Classic printing suddenly stopped

    I was previously able to print from Classic and I have installed drivers for the HP1200, so that does not seem to be the problem. The Chooser sees the HP1200 but if I try to run Setup it doesn't seem to see the PPD and a file is sent to the printer but never gets printed. Printing in OSX...
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    Classic printing suddenly stopped

    I have HP1200 that prints fine in OSX but just stopped printing in Classic. I see the printer in the Chooser but it doesn't seem to get the ppd file when I hit autosetup. The file is sent to the printer OK as well, but never seems to print. It just hangs until I cancel the job. running 10.1.4...
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    VNC on OS X problem

    VNC looks like a good free replacement for Timbuktu which has gotten prohibitively expensive for individuals. I have installed a server on my machine at work and am using VNCThing at home. I have the following problem: I am trying to use my Eudora client at work (running under Classic) from...