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  1. S

    PHP email form not returning multiple checkboxes

    Oh, that's easy enough to fix. If none of the checkboxes is checked, that POST variable isn't set, so there's nothing to loop through -- thus, the error you're getting. So, wrap the whole if statement inside another that checks to see if the variable has been set: if (...
  2. S

    PHP email form not returning multiple checkboxes

    foreach ($_POST['dog_1_services_basic_regular'] as $service_basic) { $message .= "Service: $service_basic\n"; }
  3. S

    SSI in apache

    One problem: Your virtual include reference should start with a /, not with http:// From And another possible problem: In order for the directive in your .htaccess file to do its job, you must have Allow Overrides turned on in your httpd.conf file. I don't recall offhand...
  4. S

    Direcway 6000 - MEGA-SLOW ftp help?

    Sorry, can't help, but I can sympathize. Yep, ftp connections over satellite are slower than molasses. That's just the way it is, and there's not a darn thing you can do about it. The worst are connections via Dreamweaver or Contribute, because they make so many calls back and forth to the...
  5. S

    FormMail sends on MAC, not PC??

    Got bad news for you... It doesn't work using a Mac, either. Did you read the "Bad Header Fields" message? If you did, you would know that it is telling you the fields recipient, email, realname and subject had invalid values. IOW, in your form, they are defined as required fields, and...
  6. S

    Printer sharing between an iMac running Panther and an laptop running XP.

    Certainly it's possible to share your Mac usb printer with your Windoze machine. Here's a page with instructions for setting it up: I have my usb printer on my Mac shared even as we speak, and the Windoze machine prints to it just fine.
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    Forms via PHP

    Great, glad that worked for you! Make it a Brugal & fresh-squeezed OJ, please. :)
  8. S

    Forms via PHP

    Newer versions of php ship with register_globals turned off and that's probably what you're dealing with. This means you need to access your variables like this: $_POST['variablename'] So in your test.php file you would use: print $_POST['fname']; If you prefer using "friendlier"...
  9. S

    Omg Help!

    And don't change the name of your home thingy anymore!
  10. S

    Security Breach in OS 10.3!?!?!

    Hmmm... I might not mind someone breaking into my computer if they left me more RAM. :p
  11. S

    Security Breach in OS 10.3!?!?!

    If this is really the case, you need to get documentation of this to Apple; it should simply not be possible. Can you take the tech guy out for a beer or three, and ask him what he did? And ooh, I know what you can do: Create a second account and copy all your data to that account. But...
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    Security Breach in OS 10.3!?!?!

    I have trouble believing that there are actually two working passwords for one admin account, but be that as it may..... If it were me, I'd probably try this: Create a second admin user -- different name, different password -- then copy my personal data files from oldusername to newusername...
  13. S

    Linking OS 9 to OS X

    Go to System Preferences -> Network, click the TCP/IP tab, and see what it says in the IP Address field. That would be your IP address. If you're not worried about networking your Mac, you can probably set your IP to whatever you want -- but you should stick with either a 192.168.x.x or...
  14. S

    Linking OS 9 to OS X

    If you read through that last long-winded post of mine, you'll see that's exactly how Netscape behaved for me -- it just wouldn't recognize But it did recognize my internal 192.x.x.x. address. Did you check your System Preferences to see if you have such an IP, and did you try that in...
  15. S

    Photoshop CS can't save for web

    Have you tried repairing permissions? There might be some internal Photoshop support file that PS needs but can't reach because the permissions are mucked up.
  16. S

    Linking OS 9 to OS X

    You are correct, is your Mac's internal IP. It's the internal IP of every computer in the world. is the "localhost loopback address." It's like the word "me" to a human. Every human is named "me," and every computer is On a network, computers also have an IP...
  17. S

    Linking OS 9 to OS X

    It turns out that Netscape (at least, the version I have in Classic, 4.77) just doesn't really like connecting to localhost. Netscape will connect on my machine if I use http://my-ip-address (like, but not using localhost and not using will connect to my...
  18. S

    batch renaming files

    You have that functionality built into the default AppleScripts that came with your system. First thing -- and you only have to do this once -- you need to add the AppleScript menu to your menubar. Go into /Applications/AppleScript, and double-click "Install Script Menu." The little...
  19. S

    Linking OS 9 to OS X

    Do you use a proxy server? I do, and I have to have my system set to ignore the proxy for my localhost address. Otherwise, the browser goes out onto the internet looking for localhost, instead of looking at the machine it's on. This is the case in both OSX and OS9. Before we dig any deeper...
  20. S

    Linking OS 9 to OS X might work, too. That would have been next on my list to test, but when http://localhost worked, I stopped testing and quit classic!