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  1. T

    Fusion joins Bootcamp and Parallels as an option to run PC op sys

    yet another scam. Pay all that money for a free Linux distro with 'beta' software? No thanks.
  2. T

    New System Purchase

    Matrox makes the DualHead2Go which gives the Mac Mini (and any other computer) the ability to run dual monitors.
  3. T

    Overclock a 2.0Ghz iMac [intel]...

    I've over-clocked PC's for a very long time. Changes to the motherboard FSB and CPU voltage settings are required and Apple doesn't provide these capabilities. Bad reviews are written for motherboards that don't provide fsb/voltage settings.
  4. T

    Virtual Pc / Parallel Workstation

    Parallels should not interfere with your CD Key. I've used Parallels on many XP installations and haven't seen this issue. Make sure your typing the key correctly. You might want to consider making an 'unattended' installation where the CDKey is provided in a winnt.sif file.
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    Another bootcamp question

    Have you modified the partition on the Windows side? If so, you might experience this problem.
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    Make the screen NOT dimm after a short amount of time...

    Opps, you already solved the problem. What exactly did you do?
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    [M$ Word 2004] How do I center one line and align the next line to the left or right?

    If you've followed the very helpful post from eric2006 and it still doesn't work then you could have other 'hidden' codes interfering with your efforts. Best to start over again with a clean document.
  8. T

    BSOD mesage at start up.

    BSOD's are mostly driver related issues. You either have a corrupt or missing driver. RAM can also give a BSOD and I've read people using BootCamp have experienced issues with RAM while the OSX side is fine.
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    Boot camp XP wireless keyboard prob

    Nice tip, teedeepee! Gonna file this in my 'things to remember using Bootcamp'.
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    Burn DVD from iso file

    Are you asking if you can burn a dvd movie saved in .iso format? If so, then yes. Follow the helpful posts above.
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    Parallels + XP = Virus?

    Yes, you will need an anti-virus and even spyware protection. I'm running Parallels on my Mac Mini and have already run into spyware trying to infiltrate my computer. It even attempted to hijack my homepage. But the OS X side is fine.
  12. T

    Bought an iMac. NOW what?

    I had a similar problem. Did you setup the usb hd on a PC? If so, you might have partition problems not related to the Mac. My problem stemmed from a drive overlay placed on the partition. When I removed the overlay then my connection problems went away. I always understood the reason for...
  13. T

    I made the switch, and don't think I will ever go back.

    Apple switching to Intel processors and discovering Parallels cinched the switch for me. I still have a few Windows apps I must run until I can find suitable OS X versions. Nice to ignore all the Vista hoopla and the ever present 'Buy a copy of Vista or else' syndrome. I have a Mac Mini for...