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  1. SkyNite not installing (null)

    I also had the "(null)" thing happen when I restored from a backup. I ended up with a later version of Installer and a (slightly) earlier version of Mac OS X. The error went away when I updated everything to the latest version.
  2. SkyNite

    Sporadic iTunes mutism (weird!)

    Yep. Happens to lots of people, including me.
  3. SkyNite

    firewall problems...

    I frequently get the "Other firewall software" message. I used to have Brickhouse running a while back, but it's been disabled (along with its startup script) a long time ago. My wife gets the message sometimes, too, and there has never been any other firewall software installed on her...
  4. SkyNite

    RB emailer

    Well, for one thing, the "for" loops are not balanced out by "next" at the end of the loops. Also, why keep populating s with e-mail addresses when you could just comma-delimit the two addresses? HTH, -- Steve
  5. SkyNite

    RB emailer

    The best way to learn the basics is by downloading and doing the REALbasic Tutorial from here.
  6. SkyNite

    RB Global property

    Just create a new module and make your new property in that module. When creating the property, be sure to specify that it's global in scope (i.e., not "private" or "protected"). It will then be accessible everywhere. Check out the REALbasic Tutorial -- it covers all this in great depth...
  7. SkyNite

    Hardware problems??

    Well, that 128 MB of RAM may be an issue. Have you tried creating a new Administrative user, to see if you still get the hard drive churning? I had a Sawtooth that churned and churned with the original user I created. I created a new user and found the problem disappeared when that new user...
  8. SkyNite

    problem with internet connection with OS 10.2.6

    I had this happen occasionally when I had dialup. Sometimes, changing the modem script can help. Go to your "Network" Preferences Pane and click on the "Modem" tab, then select a similar but different modem description (maybe one with a slower speed next to it). Then apply your changes and try...
  9. SkyNite

    Address Book- Crazy secret features... at least, I didn't know, anyway

    I find the "large type" feature handy when I have to send a fax via my standalone fax machine. I can read the number from across the room. :)
  10. SkyNite

    Cocoa programming for morons...

    My degree is in English, believe it or not. :) There were no personal computers as we know them when I graduated from college in 1983. :eek: I found that -- once I got my foot in the door -- that reputation and referrals were more important than degrees or certifications. YMMV. I used to...
  11. SkyNite

    Network Time

    In my case, I had to open up the port in my firewall (BrickHouse; just a front-end for the Mac OS X firewall) a long time ago. That's how I figured out the port and how frequently it connected. Any utility that monitors your connection could give you the port number and the time of connection...
  12. SkyNite

    internet problem in OSX

    You're welcome! Glad to be of help! :D
  13. SkyNite

    internet problem in OSX

    'Glad it helped! :) Well, I wouldn't trash all of the prefs. Just look for some likely suspects (ones with internet in the name might be a good start), then move them out of the preferences folder and into another folder you have reserved for this purpose. Then log out/in. If the problem...
  14. SkyNite

    internet problem in OSX

    That's weird. :( Have you tried creating a new user, and seeing if the problem occurs when logging in as that user? If it goes away, you may have a problem with a file in your usual user's Preferences folder.
  15. SkyNite

    Cocoa programming for morons...

    My main public offering is ScopeDriver, although I have a couple of popular freeware utils out there, too (UTC Display and DarkAdapted). Plus, I create custom software solutions for regional businesses, depending on what they need. REALbasic has worked well for that, and -- from what I can...
  16. SkyNite

    Norton Utils 7.0 doesn't see my drives in OSX!

    How was the data deleted? That may have some bearing on the solution. If the partitions were physically removed via Disk Utility or something else, then that certainly complicates things, and Norton would in fact not "see" any drives to mount. And -- most importantly -- does your client have...
  17. SkyNite

    Cocoa programming for morons...

    I respectfully disagree. I have seen lots o' crap written in REALbasic, but I have also seen some excellent apps come from it. It's also cool when you need to whip up a quick tool to do specific job. And I am somewhat biased, since I have been making a living off of a couple of...
  18. SkyNite

    Network Time

    If you click "Use a network time server" in the Date & time preference pane (Network Time tab), your computer should sync regularly, not just at startup. Mine, for example, polls the time server about every 2 hours.
  19. SkyNite

    RB how to change the cursor

    You're welcome! :D
  20. SkyNite

    RB how to change the cursor

    It'll work for both. Try joining the RB NUG (go to REALsoftware's site for a sign-up link) to ask questions. There is lots of good advice there! :)