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  1. S

    10.3 Panther Screenshot (For Real!!)

    I like the metal on the title bars. From the pictures it looks more subtle than the current brushed metal. The full brushed metal frame around the finder windows is too much!! If it is just on the title bars thats fine. but I can't come at the frame right around finder windows. Too much clutter.
  2. S

    System UI Server

    Thanks guys, but it's still happening with 10.2.5. Has anyone else had this trouble, or might I have done something to the system?:(
  3. S

    System UI Server

    Since going to 10.2.4 my system (G3 600) has been slowing right down and I have been losing my menu bar items. It appears from using the top command that the System UI server is taking up all available CPU time. Using kill fixes the problem, but it recurs most times on logging in. Any Ideas?
  4. S

    Does jaguar crash more than OSX.1 ?

    Classic has crashed both X.1 and X.2, but neither has crashed without classic running, so purely in terms of OSX stability I would say the same.