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  1. B

    tex/latex for iPad: any plans or news?

    Does anyone know of plans to offer a TeX/LaTeX system --- like a version of TeXShop --- for the iPad? If not, can anyone comment on the feasibility of this, given that the software is mostly UNIX, with a Mac OS X wrapper and use of some multitasking in current Mac OS X TeX software. LaTeX...
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    Tiger server upgrades loses account access

    I just upgraded a server from 10.2.8 server to 10.4 server, using the simplest upgrade method with all default options: now no user accounts are accessible except the main admin account. The old account information can still be seen in Netinfo Manager by going to the top level domain "/", but...
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    How do I install Panther without trouble?

    What about the intermediate option of "archive and install", which is what I have used in the past? Have many problems been reported with that?
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    G4 iBooks

    Not only are Mac's now G4 or better across the line, but every model now has USB 2 except the bargain basement eMac. That could make accessorising a bit easier and cheaper.
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    Apple switching to Intel, by John C. Dvorak

    The stupidity (or deceptiveness) of Dvorak's argument is what he leaves out of the discussion: the far less painful alternative of IBM 970 instead of Itanium; the 970 has has he same "64-bits her first!" appeal, and maybe even more GHz, for the marketing people.
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    X11 beta version 0.2

    I can think of three reasons why SOME people are interested in XWindows (X11) on a Mac; I am sure the majority of Mac users will not care. 1) it allows people like me who used to use UNIX/X11 workstations to use their familar software with Mac OS X instead of a Linux box. 2) Many important...
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    sendmail problems; Server and client

    I cannot use sendmail to send out mailings from either a Mac OS X (10.1) Server or client (I want to use it from PHP forms on a clinet machine for example.) One error message that turns up all over is: /etc/mail/ line 81: fileclass: cannot open '/etc/mail/local-host-names'...
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    Only $100 more for a 17" iMac than a similar configured PowerMac

    On item (a) [businesses], for my entire department with about seventy computers, mostly for office productivity tools, not high end graphics, it has been some years since anyone except one power user has needed to upgrade anything internally beyond adding RAM and replacing dead hard disk drives...
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    10.2.2 Is Here!

    1) Do the installation once with Software Update. 2) Before quitting from Software Update or clicking "Restart...", go to menu Update and use item "Save As...". Tht gives you a package (.pkg) file that you can transfer and use on other computers. Note and warning: SU saves package files...
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    Thanks! This freeware does seem to do what I want; see: (But its existence and high user ratings suggest that it makes sense for Apple to merge this feature into iPhoto; a lot of Mac users are not going to hunt down third party...
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    iPhoto should offer multiple top level libraries rather than forcing users to keep everything in one "iPhoto Library", and the ability to point it to different libraries, including ones that are only temporarily available becasue they are CD/DVD archives of older stuff ("iPhoto Library 2001")...
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    10.2.2 Is Here!

    One improvement in X.2.2 will solve a problem reported here with updates when apps like Mail have been moved to a subfolders of Applications: "Improves updating of applications installed with Mac OS X, updating them only if they have not been relocated or deleted." But maybe you DO want...
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    Just reinstalled X.1

    DeltaMac's suggestion still does not do it: Da_iMac_Daddy and I both got rfom SU the update described in that KB article 120136 (Security Update 7-18-02, version for OS 10.1), but after that, SU gives only one IE update, no Mac OS X updates.
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    Just reinstalled X.1

    Have you tried manually applying the Mac OS X 10.1.5 Combo Update (using "Get Mac OS X Software..." under the Apple menu)? I know one should not have to do that; I have the same problem and more with reinstalling X.1 Server at present, yet SU worked for that when I did it previously just a...
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    Seeking Mac OS X Server 10.1.3 Update

    Sorry, I should have said; no Software Update does nothing beyond the security update 7-18-02 for v. 10.1; the same problem has been reported for normal (non Server) Mac OS X 10.1 reinstalls recently. So the SU failure is not solely because the needed 10.1.3ServerUpdate.dmg is missing.
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    Seeking Mac OS X Server 10.1.3 Update

    I need Mac OS X Server 10.1.3 Update (10.1.3ServerUpdate.dmg), but all download links for it at the Apple web site are broken. The instructions for the subsequent 10.1.4 Server Update say that server 10.1.3 is required first. Shouldn't there be a Mac OS X 10.1.4 Server Combo updated now that...