
  1. TuckerdogAVL

    why doesn’t auto fill work any more?

    Back in the olden days, prior to the latest OS updates, I could rely on auto fill on the iPad by pressing my thumb. Sometimes sort of occasionlly works now. So, into settings, keychain, look up site, highlight, copy, go back, paste…. save…. doesn’t. Back in the olden days, I would click on send...
  2. A

    itunes freezes when i attempt to autofill

    whenever i attempt to use the auto fill feature with my ipod shuffle, itunes simply freezes. i have all of my music stored on an external ide drive. thanks aa
  3. M

    Restoring Safari Autofill Passwords

    I just copied (Carbon copy cloner) my old drive and reinstalled the system. I followed apple's suggestions on how to backup and restore keychains, but my autofill hasn't return (e.g. I had to remember my password to login to this site - and every other). Is there some way to restore...
  4. B

    Safari 2.0.1 Autofill Problem

    When I try to fill out a login field in the Safari browser, not only does the autofill not work, but I am only able to type in two or three letters before the cursor freezes and the little spinning rainbow wheel icon appears (at such point I quit out of Safari). I do not have this problem with...
  5. D

    View autofill button in Safari

    According to the Safari Help guide, there should be an option under the View menu to show an Autofill button on the menu bar. I'm using Safari 2.0.1 (412.5) and I can find no such option under the View menu, or under any of the other menus. Any ideas? Thanks! David
  6. S

    AutoFill for regular ipod

    Is there any way to turn on iTunes Autofill for a regular 20gb iPod?
  7. Ceroc Addict

    Autofill - how to make a big deal out of nothing at all

    It took a couple of days for this to click with me - Autofill has been in iTunes for ages. It's just a severely crippled version of a smart playlist! Kap
  8. I

    Firefox 1.0 doesn't have Autofill!

    How do you enable Autofill in the latest version of Firefox? Thanks Dean
  9. ranasta

    Autofill, Keychain Access, Safari, Camino

    I never claimed to be the smartest guy but I just can't get forms filled out all the time. I thought it was only https sites on Safari but the same thing happens in Camino. Yes, the entry is there in Keychain Access, with the correct URL and password but it never fills in. Anyone know what I'm...