
  1. TuckerdogAVL

    Can I use a 2014 MacMini as an External HD?

    I have a 1TB Fusion Drive MacMini Intel 5. I finally am upgrading to the new Mini M2. It has 512GB storage. I know I'll have to make decisions on what to move and keep. (I did just move the iMovie to an external. It was 298GB, so that helps with the decisions - and I'm zipping that to save on...
  2. T

    Fusion between BMG and Warner?

    Vers une fusion BMG/Warner Music (presse) (AOF) - Des négociations avancées auraient eu lieu entre le groupe Bertelsmann et AOL Time Warner (NYSE: AOL - actualité) en vue de la fusion de leurs activités respectives dans la musique, BMG et Warner Music, selon le...
  3. twister

    Cold Fusion under OS X

    Has anyone got Cold Fusion MX running under Mac OS X? I heard it's possible with Java but the article i skimmed seemd to do to much explaining of what Cold Fusion was and what Java was and not enough HOW TO stuff. Twister