
  1. F

    Internal Onboard SATA 6 Gb/s Ports Bridge & Controller Model in Mac Pro (2023)

    Which ASMedia Serial ATA 6 Gb/s controller does the Apple Mac Pro (2023) utilize to drive the 2 onboard internal SATA 6 Gb/s ports (ASM1061, ASM1061R, ASM1062, ASM1062R, ASM1064, ASM1164, or ASM1166) and do they support Port Multipliers (and if so: Command-based switching or FIS (Frame...
  2. Doctor X

    Internal Hd Suggestions For 2011 Macbook Pro

    In a long-winded thread on the Software section I discuss issues with DiskWarrior. Blah . . . blah . . . blah everything is working fine--I even now like El Capitan--but now DiskWarrior says I have "bad blocks." Nothing else does. I am running a surface scan. However, it being Friday here, if...
  3. Paul M

    Enough power for extra internal drives?

    Hi All, I have a mid-2010 2 x 2.66GHz 6-core with all 4 internal drive bays filled, a superdrive in the standard location, and another HDD under that in the SATA connection designated "Lower" . Back in Jan 2012 I connected an SSD to a Sonnet Tempo E4i - with the power daisy-chained from the...
  4. D

    Firewire glitchs / Internal hard drive damaged

    Right... This is a bit long... My apologies! I just got hold of a new external hard drive (a Gdrive mini) as my existing Lacie drive was getting a bit full. The new drive is bus powered, the old one is powered from the mains. The Lacie drive is Firewire 400, the Gdrive is both firewire 800...
  5. E

    Problem installing new internal hard drive

    Help! I am trying to replace the failed hard drive in my mac book pro 13 inch. The original hard drive specs: Hitachi Apple hdd firmware 2008 250 gb Replacement: Seagate momentus xt 500 gb So I'm assured that the new hard drive is compatible with my mac (os x 10.6). Im confident...
  6. F

    Internal vs External HD's for video editing

    I see a lot of people relying more and more on external HD's for video editing. How important are read/write speeds in general for use in programs like Final Cut or After Effects? As far as I know internal SATA cables provide the fastest speeds and thus make internal drives more "ideal" but is...
  7. O

    MacBook Pro Internal Speakers not working

    Hey, I have a MacBook Pro, 15', 1,1 , Mac OS X, version 10.5.8, which is completely up to date, with all software updates installed. The internal speakers won't produce any audio at all. The startup sound works when it is turned on, but afterwards, no audio is made. I've already checked...
  8. B

    iMac 27" internal display connector

    Hi, I have an iMac 27" late 2009 that has a damaged display connector, the part that is soldered to the logic board and that the cable from the display panel connects to. It works fine when connected to an external monitor. Replacing the connector with another part isn't a problem, but...
  9. F

    how to keep my 3 internal hdd's appart?

    I have three HDD in my power mac, or mac pro (I always mix those upp) One of them gave up, the thing died... now the question is, how can i determinate which of these three it is? Any ideas? thx in advance Ow yes, I almost forgot, doesn't anybody of you think we need to build some...
  10. C

    Internal speakers working fine, headphone jack is dead. Help!

    MacBook Pro 2.45 GHz (Late 2007 or Early 2008) A few days ago I began hearing some strange high frequency noises coming from my internal speakers, and even higher noises when headphones or my external speakers were plugged in. A day later, the noise was only coming from the internal speakers...
  11. C

    Internal Hardrive Not Recognized

    I have a 13" inch black mac book. My original 120 gb hard drive got fried and I was terribly concerned. I swapped a 80 gb hardrive into my computer from a white mac book the same size and it worked perfectly. I recently purchased a 500 gb Seagate Momentus 7200.4 but the disk utility won't...
  12. vja4Him

    Which Internal HD for my iBook G4 ... ???

    I need some advice .... What would be a good/high quality internal HD for my iBook? I'd like to spend around $100-150, and want to have something that is higher quality, very reliable, and fast! Don't need a huge HD, maybe 120 GB max. I'm more concerned with the quality than the size. My...
  13. W

    MBP Internal Speakers Not Functioning

    Hello all, The internal speakers on my MacBook Pro (OS X 10.5.5) are not functioning at all. The 1/8" jack works fine with external speakers and headphones, although there is a red light in the jack when nothing is plugged in. The light does remain turned off for a moment after anything is...
  14. F

    Internal HD issues

    Well, I used search but didn't find exactly what I was looking for. I am running a MacPro and I have a Seagate 7200.11 HD in one of my bays that basically just took a dump with all of my music and movies. It was a HD used for their storage and TM back-ups. I got the error message yesterday...
  15. Y

    Macbook internal HD not to be found...

    Hi, I've a Macbook that was running Tiger. The other day it froze, and on restart it couldn't find the startup disk. Tried to run Disk Utility but it didn't even see the disk. I tried the disk in a cradle on another computer but it wouldn't work. So, I reasoned it was a fault with the...
  16. S

    Unmounting an INTERNAL hardrive

    I've looked around for ways to unmount an internal HD. I am aware you have to unmount it by inserting the OS X install disk 1, going to DU and selecting unmount. What do I do after this? I've restarted it right after doing this, but it would never start up again unmounted on the machine. Is...
  17. T

    internal hard drive not mounting

    I have a secondary internal drive on my mac. One day I got an error message something along the lines of the mac couldn't read the disk. The volume disappeared from the desktop. Then it started making odd knocking sounds! On occasion, the manufacture/disk size does appear in DISK UTILITY...
  18. B

    Powerbook G4 not recognizing its own internal hard drive.

    I have a Powerbook G4 Aluminum (15", 1.3ghz) which recently started having issues where the spinwheel would appear randomly even under light usage for about 30 seconds. This problem got worse and worse until eventually the computer started up with a question mark. I had assumed the hard drive...
  19. M

    plectrum/pick in internal dvd drive macbook

    hello everyone, my 20 month old son did something in less than the blink of an eye (as is his wont, mercurial little chap) and when we asked him what was going on, he simply said "plectrum". since then we can't get the cd out of our macbook's internal drive, or the plectrum for that matter...
  20. blue gekko

    Looking for a new internal hard drive...

    Hey guys! As the title has already stated, I'm looking for a new internal hard drive for my iMac. However I don't know anything about them! I just know that I'm looking for something running 15000 rpm if possible, but I've heard that they don't make those for Macs and 7200 rpm is the fastest...