
  1. ChangeAgent

    Hardwired internet via a USB hub is not working after the MBP sleeps.

    I have two M1 MacBook Pro’s running Venture 13.6.1. Both are connected to a hub via the MBP USB port. The hub has several USB ports and a Gigabit Ethernet port. The USB port has an Apple USB keyboard attached and a wired mouse that is connected to the keyboard. Same setup for both computers. The...
  2. J

    2015 13 MacBook Pro Battery Drain during sleep even after clean install=

    For some reason the battery on my computer is draining heavily during sleep for some reason. I already tried reinstalling Big Sur but the battery is still draining. I even got a new battery and it’s still draining. Can anybody help me with this? Running Big Sur latest version clean installed...
  3. K

    Activities with sleep

    Every 30 seconds (when the MacPro 2013 sleep) syslog report this: 2020-09-27 08:50:53.169185-0400 0x73 Default 0x0 0 kernel: (AirPortBrcm4360) ARPT: 1945.482807: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Wake - Full Wake/ Dark Wake / Maintenance wake 2020-09-27...
  4. L

    Macbook Goes To Sleep And Doesn't Charge When Power Cord Is

    Macbook Air with following specs: Yosemite OS X Model: A1466 EMC 2559 1.8GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 (Turbo Boost up to 2.8GHz) with 3MB shared L3 cache MagSafe 2 power port When I plug in the power cord, the screen instantly goes black and any sound playing turns off (like sleep mode), the...
  5. O

    Possible sleep sensor issue?

    Well, the boy thought it would be a great idea to take his Macbook into the bathroom to listen to while showering. The first time went so great, he did it again. The second time, steam seems to have gotten it. I think this happened about... six months ago? Maybe less. The intial problem was...
  6. S

    Macbook Pro won't sleep after replacing hard drive

    Good Day, I have recently replaced the hard drive on my mid-2007 15" Macbook Pro, and now I can't put the thing to sleep when closing the lid. I can sleep it with menu commands, etc, just not when closing the lid. I've read other threads about this but they all seem to revolve around a...
  7. G

    USB device does not wake up after sleep

    HI I wonder if anyone can solve this one: I have several USB sound adaptors, which cost just a few dollars on eBay, and plug into your USB port to provide additional sound out paths on a Mac. These devices are tiny USB plugs that actually contain a digital-to-analogue sound card...
  8. G

    Quicksilver sleep problem

    Can anyone suggest what might be causing this. My old Quicksilver G4 power supply went wrong, so instead of paying a fortune for a new supply, I purchased a 'bench tested' second hand QS from a mac dealer. I have swapped over the 2 HD's from my old QS to the new one. All went well (thanks to...
  9. M

    MBP goes to sleep on power adaptor

    Hello members My MBP goes off to sleep while I work in the VM(Fusion,XP). I tried different settings without success. I run the machine for 95% of the time on the power adapter with once a week draining the battery before loading again. It is very annoying that I have to go manually...
  10. B

    make noise and go to sleep

    I am using a macMini with 10.4.11, For the last three days after about 20 mins of use it starts to make noise and go to sleep .. immediately wakes up but returns to sleep mode every 2-3 mins at last turn off.
  11. A

    iMac G5 automatically goes to sleep mode

    My iMac G5 (OSX 10.4) starts up as normal, runs for about 5 minutes and then automatically goes to sleep. It will wake up if prompted, but every time it goes back to sleep in seconds. If left in sleep mode for a few minutes it will wake up again for 1 – 5 minutes before once again automatically...
  12. J

    Mac won't sleep

    I have a PowerMac G4 running Mac OSX 10.4.11 with a 17" Apple Studio Display along with the native ATI Radeon 7500 video card that came with the Mac from Apple. The Mac will try to sleep, but it wakes up right after it tries going into sleep mode. However, there are two things that will...
  13. M

    CD tries to start in sleep mode

    Hello, Iam having a issue with my iMac. I put my iMac is sleep mode when I am done and I have had the CD just start trying to work with no CD in the drive. I have got it to quit and come out of sleep mode twice by putting a blank CD in and then it ejects it when it comes out of the sleep. It...
  14. B

    change hdd sleep timing setting

    Hi, now having switched to Leopard, I bought an external hard drive in order to use time machine. Unfortunately, every time the hard disk is touched (once per hour for the backup and still once per hour for a reason I do not know -- and every time I turn my mac on --), the hard disk stays...
  15. O

    PB G4 won't wake Apple Display from sleep.

    I have a Powerbook G4 (1.67GHz, 1GB RAM, OS 10.4.10) with a 23" Apple Cinema Display attached. I've been putting the Powerbook to sleep at night, then finding in the morning that the external display will not wake up. This is especially annoying because I have the display (not the Powerbook...
  16. 27 houdini's

    pc card bus goes to sleep too

    I have a mouse powering up through my pc card slot on my powerbook g4. When my computer goes to sleep, it stops feeding throught the pc card slot. Can i change this? powerbook g4 15ii FW800 OS 10.4.10
  17. supanatral

    Won't come out of Sleep

    First of all I wanted to thank everyone because I've had a lot of quesions lately concerning my mac as you may have seen. I've found that when I leave my notebooks monitor open and let it go to sleep by simply not touching anything, I can't pull my notebook out of sleep mode unless I close...
  18. Macartist

    iMac G5 gets hot, goes to sleep

    My iMac G5/1.6/17'' works for 25 minutes then goes into immediate HD sleep. I can wake it for a second or 2 at a time, takes 4 tries to shut it off. I ran the test disc and it gave me an error code for the logic board. I did a lot of research online, would have to pay Apple $60 for them to tell...
  19. M

    Whats better sleep or shutdown?

    I was wondering what was best for my 17" iMac. Overnight i do not use it, its turned on throughout the daytime. I was wondering whether the hardware would last longer if if i shutdown the mac overnight or put it to sleep instead. What are the benefits of both? Thanks!
  20. I

    Sleep light & backlit keyboard failure

    Dear all, I searched the posts archived in these forums on the following issue but found nothing that specifically relates to what I'm experiencing. A couple of weeks ago, the sleep light on my powerbook G4 started to come on all the time. This doesn't happen all the time, but now most of...