3 and a half questions


I have three things I'm having problems with.

1). Why isn't locate returning matches in Jaguar? It worked in 10.1, but now when I try to locate something, nothing returns. As in, in the terminal I type 'locate .xinitrc' or whatever filename. Nothing happens. If I type 'locate' without a filename specified correctly it returns that it needs a filename to locate.

2). How can I start X programs from the Terminal? As in, not launching it from an X terminal like Xterm. So if I typed launched xmms, it would automatically launch it in X. Also assume X is already running. Odd request I know, but I don't like Xterm.

3). (This is the hardest one I think). I use Fink, and I've installed Evolution, so all the dependencies should be fulfilled. I can recieve messages just fine. But whenever I try to compose a message it simply returns-

"Cannot create composer window:
Unable to active HTML editor component.

The error from the activation system is:
Nothing matched the requirements."

I have no idea what this means. I have Konqueror and Mozilla installed. I even have Evolution set up NOT to send email as HTML anyway.

The last thing is not so much a question. But I'm curious. Has anyone gotten any browser on OSX to work with proxies? Besides IE I mean? I'm running Junkbuster on my machine. And, as you probably know, proxies are set up through the OS, not the browser in OSX. IE automatically detects that and works fine. But no such luck with Mozilla (X or OSX) or Omniweb, and if I try to set them up to use a proxy, no go. The only one that does seem to work is Konqueror, but who wants to use Konqueror anyway. It's too crashy, and takes too long to load.
Umm, heh, I just ran /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb and now it works. Still kind of funny that I wasn't able to find anything at all. I guess updating to Jaguar totally removes the locate journal or whatever.
Note that there's a bit of a glitch with locate.updatedb: when it runs from the root cron job, it actually runs as user 'nobody', but if you do it by hand, I bet you did 'sudo /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb'. The difference is that running as root means it indexes EVERY file, even those that you, as a user, shouldn't be able to see (like files owned by other users). If you have multiple users on your system, that's something to think about...

And on to these questions...

To start X applications from Terminal, just make sure that you have a DISPLAY environment variable set properly. If you're using bash, for example, try something like DISPLAY="localhost:0"; export DISPLAY to accomplish that.

I can't speak on Evolution as I haven't done anything other than look at screen shots on the Ximian site. :)
Actually, when in a terminal and I need something beyond my permissions, I just switch to root instead of sudo. That's probably bad juju.

Anyway, I don't use bash, I use tcsh. You're tips didn't make much sense to me. Are those parameters to put in some config file? Or do you just type that from the terminal (tried that, nothing happened, just returned that the commands weren't found).
Okay, I got it. I understand what you were talking about now, but I found a more detailed set of instructions thanks to the OroborOSX website. Just add the following to your .cshrc file in your home directory:

if( ! $?DISPLAY ) then
setenv DISPLAY :0.0