3rd Party Apps with AOL?

Long ago I pleaged agianst AOL, and abandonded it for Earthlink, but unfortunately I still have some friends who use it (I am very ashamed of them). Most of these friends still come to me for computer help since I seem to be easier to get a hold of then tech support, so the evil application has come back to haunt me.

Anyways, I recently downloaded 'Lime Qire' (a P2P file sharing program) for my friend, and helped her install it, but to my dismay I discovered that she has AOL. Now for some strange reason, AOL doesn't like sharing its internet connection with other applications (probably having something to do with it's 'child proof' saftey features) and I was wondering if anyone here knows a way to get past this wall and allow other applications to use AOL's internet.

I hope someone might be able to issue some helping words. Thank you in advance.