A Linux 2 Mac OS X Convert...

That was a real good article, a little long, but good.;) I'm going to show that to some of my Linux friends to show them that OS X is not a joke. I wish everyone would simply get the idea that Mac OS X is better for everything! Especially for development...

This article was also on the main slashdot.org page, and I must say that has been generating a lot of rumbling in the Slashdot community -- I saw a lot of /.ers saying similar things, except one guy who didn't know what he was talking about.
People don't understand the that mac hardware is better quality. But anyways, I think that 'linux on the desktop' people are getting a little worried and in some cases defensive and making up absurd arguements why os x sucks. It seems that many linux users are seeing that this is what unix on the desktop should be and are coming over. Although some GPL freaks are still clinging to stupid arguements against the mac.
Goog the mac architecture is excellent but most of the parts in a mac are pc compatible thus should have pc prices.
And for alot of ppl they dont need a pro system just to check their emails and play some games.
And why buy an imac when u can buy a pc thats more powerful yet more chea...ohh shit I have fallen into the "pc vs mac prices" talk.
Originally posted by ThE OutsiDer
Goog the mac architecture is excellent but most of the parts in a mac are pc compatible thus should have pc prices.

Just because they are compatible they should have PeeC prices??? That doesn't make sense!:confused: :o :)

Its the QUALITY that counts. And in this case the quantity too! :p Not many PC users pay high prices for quality stuff. That makes quality stuff more expensive!:o :) :p
What people don't seem to realize in the Mac vs. PC price war is their time. Time is money to me. I can't have enough time to do stuff. And when I'm being more productive instead of fixing things, I waste less time.

I just reinstalled OS X about a week ago, and lemme tell you: it was fairly painless. I just backed up my users folder on my iPod, renamed the Applications folder so OS X would remake a new folder, and installed OS X and updated. Then I dragged all of my apps back and some of my prefs (I usually like to make new prefs, so I don't just drag them all back) back, and I was up and running in record time. I did have a problem with my hard drive that I had to fix with TechTool which took up more time than it did to reinstall OS X and put everything back.

I was actually quite surprised. OS X was easier to reinstall than OS 9! But I don't believe for a minute that anyone can say reinstalling Windows was this painless.

This is what OS X and Mac hardware is all about, and I'll gladly pay a couple hundred extra dollars for my saved time, plus the longer-lasting-lifetime of a Mac.

But actually, the iBook, new iMac, and Powerbook are the best deals around. I doubt you can find a PC with a DVD burner, a swivel flat screen, a fast processor and a great graphics card, not to mention a great operating system, all for $1899. Nor can you find as great a portable laptop as the iBook with all those features (including FireWire, USB, modem, Ethernet, airport) for $1199. And a 1" thin PC laptop with a COMBO drive in it, and a 15.2" wide-aspect flat screen? Forget about it.

UPDATE: By the way, the guy posted a followup article. Just go to the original link and he has a link to the followup. (I was too lazy to go and find the link again.)
Dealing with Microsoft operating systems is like having the school president as your best friend. Yeah, he's pretty popular. But when you realize that you're just in high school, you realize he doesn't have the ability to do shit.

Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha!

sniff sniff...

Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha!

sniff... ha ha..

don't mind me...

My best friend was class president, and it took me years to figure this fact out.