A "newbie" says hello!



I recently signed up for this board and this is my first post. On other FORUMs I attend it's polite to introduce yourself to the other users so I thought that even if it is not common here, I'll do it anyway to be on the safe side of whatever flame comming ;)

I am a 21 year old male from Borås, Sweden (picture can be found HERE). I currently study Digital Publishing and having used Macs since back in -87 I now am forced to sit on PCs while in school and ofcourse that sucks. Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign and all those applications is more comfortable in their "right" enviroment. Hehe!

Well. I choosed to sign up for several reasons, but two main ones.

1) I want someplace where I can go to have serious discussions about Apple Macintosh and soft / hard-ware related to this fine platform without being flammed for using MAC.

2) Me and my brother recently ordered new computers (I currently have a B&W G3 300mhz "Yosemite" and he has a iMac DV 400mhz) from AppleStore.
Right now me and my brother are waiting for our dual 1,25ghz G4's wich will make a big improvement to the average-computers-mhz in this house.

... When ordering I realized that those MACs shipped with 10.2 and I have mostly used the systems previous to X. I have X installed on this machine (not 10.2 though) and know it enough to get around but considering this computer will ONLY run MOSX and not dual 9 / X I thought it might be a good thing to have a "haven" to return to on the net when having questions (and ofcourse then, also get correct answers).

This site seem to hold a huge bucket of information and I will be sure to search before I post on topics that I want answers on, but for now I have a "main" question to throw at you wich I hope I get many nice responses to:

What is most important to think of when running X on computers that is hooked up online at all times?
Does the Software Updater fix all bugs that needs to be fixed once I run it when I get the machines, or do I have to close ports and disable modules on my own to get a decent "secure" box?

Thanks in advance and take care... Please be patient with my english as it fails in spelling sometimes. After all, it's not my native language... :)
Hey. Welcome on board :)

You can, once your Mac's arrived, set the firewall from the system preferences, but staying 24 7 connected with a dsl or faster, I'd suggest an additional firewall - e.g. BrickHouse.

I believe you will feel very familiar soon in OS X. :)

Hi there, ShadowCow, and welcome.

Mac OS X 10.2 and later have a Firewall preference panel built in to make it easier to configure the built in firewall. By default, all ports are closed, though they can be opened auomatically when you start certain servers. You will need to add ports for apps such as instant messenger or file-sharing programs, but this is very easy.

There are also third-party firewalls that might add a little more security.

I'd also suggest that while you're waiting for your new Macs, you download the 10.2.4 "Combo" update from Apple. That will save a lot of time and messing around when you're setting up your machine.
Welcome to the macosx.com|munity. :)

And I'm sure you'll find some helpful forums and people on this board.
welcome "newbie" :)

from all you said, it's sounds like you've come to the right place and you sound like the kind of member we love to have. certainly feel free to ask away. somebody almost always knows the answer.

as for flaming, rest assured we have a very low tolerance for it here. let your mac flag fly!!

you'll probably get more and better answers to your tech question if you post it to a seperate thread in the appropriate forum.

again, welcome!!
Thanks for the welcome everyone.

I used NetBarrier before it went totally balistic on the whole network and now refuses to work correctly in either X or 9.X! I am not really online 24/7 yet (currently using ISDN 64kbit/sec) but I will get a 4Mbit connection this summer perhaps so I am planning ahead.

I was hopeing that this FORUM had a low tolerance for SPAM and flames since there is a large portion enough of worthless FORUMs out there but too few really good ones. Heck, who need several good boards when one place can cover the whole spectrum? :D

I'll look into BrickHouse as soon as I get the new computer and hook it up.

*Sits down and waits for more interesting people to welcome him* ;)

(Edited the message since when I wrote it there was just one reply and when I posted it, I had multiple replies. Don't want to make an ungrateful impression)...
Hey, did you notice I found even the vällkommen fo you? Jag gillade inte Classic, sa° jag .. kom till OS X fra°n andra *nix.
Ocksa° i warez vi har low tolerance. But I'm sure you'll enjoy here. :p

Yeah, I noticed the "VÄLKOMMEN", thanks alot :) Your Swedish is gramatically raped but fully understandable... :D

Regarding this 10.2.4 "Combo" update that symphonix wrote about, is it something I could perhaps download on a faster connection than my current one (see previous post) and burn onto a CD to have once I get the new boxes? Is it a hard update to "install"?
No, it's just a double click, put in your password, and step out for a cuppa (on my G3-500). It's just that if you do it through software update it will be a pain in the pants, and having a copy of it ready to go sitting on a CD will save you downloading a half-dozen incremental updates on two different machines.

Anyhow, I just realised that I called you ShadowCow. Sorry. That was unintentional. I was just about to go offline, when I spotted it.

Of all the forums that I have seen this is one of the best. The Mac OSX Cafe is the place to go for off topic posts and there is an opinion section as well. There is also a large international component here which definitely adds flavour!

Welcome aboard!
Originally posted by symphonix
Anyhow, I just realised that I called you ShadowCow. Sorry. That was unintentional. I was just about to go offline, when I spotted it.
Ah, well... No biggie, it happens quite often. People read to fast I assume :)

Originally posted by Ugg
There is also a large international component here which definitely adds flavour!
Yes, that is what I love with messageboards. I am quite sure I could walk off and find MacOsX / MacUsers here in Sweden, but the International-aspect makes it so much more "rich"... AND I get to practice my english :cool:
Hey, you speak better English than I do, and that's all I know :D

Welcome to the board, may you always find the answers you seek!

Welcome times X.2 :confused:

I hope you will enjoy macosx.com and your dual G4 a lot... At least, I'm sure that you will :D

Guess who got his new MAC last week?

Now, I have not encountered half as much problems with the transition from OS9 -> MOsX as I thought I would. Perhaps it helped a bit that I had atleast some previous experience in X.

Been playing a load of nice games too. All I can say is, Warcraft II roxxx in multiplayer, but I dislike it singleplayer.

Also, RTC-Wolfenstein looks so nice it makes me giggle in 1600*1200 :D

Well, as I said, I'll stick around and if I encounter some problems, I know how and where I shall post it...

Have a nice day!
I'm afraid / hope you won't find too many problems with your new G4... hey, congrats for the new baby .. :D

And ask whatever you want ;)