A question about Cleaner 5


I recently purchesed Cleaner 5 and I'm wondering if there's a way to convert Window Media Player files to Quicktime or mpeg.
Depends, if you mean by Windows Media Player files asf's and wmv's it will be a little tricky.

ASF and WMV are in a format that are usually only read by Windows Media Player. There is a process to extract the video and audio content from them, but it's not the cleanest.

It's best if you have the source files such as avi's. You can convert avi's into other formats.

Let me know if you'd like information on the above hack and I'll see if I can dig it up.
I am also interested in this. I am also using Media Cleaner 5 on OSX.

I am annoyed by the impossibility of using RealMedia on OSX.

What also annoys me is the inability to use WMV as input.

We are currently analysing MCP5 on OSX to be a generic encoder/decoder but I am encountering some problems, specially on the codecs front.

I am very interested on this subject, and I think we could share our experiences on this. Myself, I have met some success using Applescript and MCP on OSX.

Couldn't find the original article but this is where I started my investigation.

Just try a search on GOOGLE for wmv and graphedit.

Hey, QT6 has come out (public preview). Does this mean we'll have a greater choice of options to encode/decode? Do we have to pay a pro license?

I am refraining of installing QT6 if I cannot enhance Media Cleaner.

You'll want to install QT6. It's good. mpeg4 is good.

.wmv's have all kinds of intellectual property flags and other BS in them... basically... it was microsoft's way of placating the recording industry.

There are hack software to convert them out there... you just need to dig it up, since most of it is technically illegal (circumvention clause in the DMCA).

Cleaner will more than likely not be enhanced per say because it uses its own built in encoding algorithms to squeeze a bit more performance/compression out of the video than the standard QT algorithms (which, by themselves, are still quite powerful).

For $30, QT Pro is easily the most bang for the buck of any software out there.
As another quick sidenote... the people using wmv's most seems to be pornographers... I find that amusing :)

I don't think Microsoft was appealing to that particular portion of the recording industry :)

Can anyone make sense of http://www.macporn.com/ ?
Shite, I would love to have a QT6 enhanced mediacleaner just now... Or a working media cleaner, anyway.

Problem is that as far as I know there's no way of buying a QT6 pro key as of now.
