Adobe Does it Again


There is a new updator out for Illustrator 10 and that won't install either. I get an error 11002:2, -15

What the....

Nope, the full retail version also doesn't update in a lot of cases.
Boy, Adobe is really making themselves look pretty damn stupid!
... just makes you wonder how come a huge company like adobe is too stupid to put out functioning installers while eleven year old shareware authors do it without any problems ... *sigh*
indeed - kind of like AOL, how they can't manage to put out a decent OSX client of AIM, despite their teams of programmers, yet there are how many FREEWARE clients?

just noting, i don't want to open up an AOL can of worms.. hehe :rolleyes:
Yeah, AOL's IM app vs. Adium is pretty pathetic... let's see.... "hmm, I can't do that in AOL... hmm, can't do that.... wow, I don't think I can do that.... well, I've never seen that before... hmmm.....oh my god, it can do that too? WOW...."

Anyone who is still using the AOL client for X really needs to do themselves a favor and check out Adium on VersionTracker. It's the best!